Requirements for the information-analytical system to justify the use of renewable natural energy resources on the territory of the Baikal and Hovsgol

Статья конференции
Baatar Chadra, Иванова И.Ю., Тугузова Т.Ф. и др.
Contingency management intelligent, agent-based computing and cyber security in energy sector (Int. Workshop)
Proc.of Int. Workshop “Contingency management intelligent, agent-based computing and cyber security in energy sector”. Buryatia, Mondy, 5-10 March 2015. - Irkutsk : ESI SB RAS, 2015. Россия. 05-10 марта 2015. C.49-50.

Библиографическая ссылка

Baatar Chadra, Иванова И.Ю., Тугузова Т.Ф. и др.  Requirements for the information-analytical system to justify the use of renewable natural energy resources on the territory of the Baikal and Hovsgol // Proc.of Int. Workshop “Contingency management intelligent, agent-based computing and cyber security in energy sector”. Buryatia, Mondy, 5-10 March 2015. - Irkutsk : ESI SB RAS, 2015. Россия. 05-10