Prospects and conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation Russia and NEA countries in the gas field

Статья конференции
A.Safronov, Saneev B.G., .A.Kalmychek et al.
13th Int.Conf.on Northeast Asian Natural Gas abd Pipeline
Proc. of the 13th Int.Conf.on Northeast Asian Natural Gas abd Pipeline. Chengdu China. 03-04 September 2013. P.27-44.

Библиографическая ссылка

A.Safronov, Saneev B.G., .A.Kalmychek et al.  Prospects and conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation Russia and NEA countries in the gas field // Proc. of the  13th Int.Conf.on Northeast Asian Natural Gas abd Pipeline. Chengdu China. 03-04 September 2013. P.27-44.