Impact of deicing agents on heat network corrosion Статья конференцииPostnikov I., Stennikov V., Shamansky V., Kozlov A., Sokolov P.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02005.
Evaluation of the Influence of Non-sinusoidal Conditions on Power Transformers Статья конференцииKovernikova L., Van Cuong N.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 03012.
Prospects of using new technologies in Russia's electric power industry to comply with international commitments to reduce CO2 emissions Статья конференцииTchemezov A., Chemezova E., Syromyatnikov A.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 03007.
Adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations Статья конференцииKaramov D., Perzhabinsky S.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02019.
Assessment of Power System Adequacy with Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems Статья конференцииKrupenev D.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 01012.
Resilience Assessment of the State Estimation Software under Cyber Attacks Статья конференцииVoropai N., Kolosok I., Korkina E.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02013.
Methods of linear and nonlinear state estimation of distribution network Статья конференцииGolub I., Boloev E.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 03010.
Corporate Governance in Russian electric power industry in terms of consumer requirements to its funding sources Статья конференцииSheveleva G.I.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02004.
Minimizing the number of remotely controlled switches when the planning the reconfiguration of a primary distribution network Статья конференцииGolub I., Voitov O., Boloev E., Semenova L.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02016.
Determination of Critically Objects of Electric Power Systems from the Position of Energy Security Статья конференцииKrupenev D.E3S Web of Conferences 2018E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 03009.
Research of Long-Term Development of Integrated Energy Systems with Combinatorial Modelling Methods Статья конференцииStennikov Valery A., Zorkaltsev Valeriy I., Barakhtenko Evgeny A., Edelev Aleksey V.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.164-169.
Methodical Approach for Structure Optimization of Energy Sources in the Development of heat Supply Systems Статья конференцииStennikov Valery A., Edeleva Olga A.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.170-176.
Tools for Strategic Decision Support in Energy Sector Based on Situation Management and Semantic Modeling Статья конференцииMassel Liudmila V., Kuzmin Vladimir R.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.129-135.
The Use of Ontologies in the Integrated Graphical Environment Статья конференцииStennikov Valery A., Barakhtenko Evgeny A., Sokolov Dmitry V.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.158-163.
Technology of Intelligent Service for Energy Technology Forecasting Статья конференцииKopaygorodsky Alex N.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.106-110.
The Research Convergence of Critical Infrastructures, Quality of Life and Safety Статья конференцииMassel Liudmila V.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.136-141.
Energy Systems Research: Conceptual and Historical Aspects Статья конференцииVoropai Nikolai I.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.198-201.
Technologies for Enrich Knowledge Warehouse for Solving Problems of Technology Forecasting and Research of Critical Infrastructures Статья конференцииKhayrullina Elena P.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.89-93.
Ontology-based Data Access for Energy Technology Forecasting Статья конференцииMikheev A.V.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.147-151.
Semantic Approach and Agent-based Modeling for Electricity Demand Forecasting in the Regional Market Статья конференцииGalperova Elena V., Galperov Vasiliy I., Loktionov Vagim I.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.56-61.