Russian Federation National policies for new and renewable energy of the countries in North-East Asia region

Глава в монографии
Sokolov D.A., Saneev B.G., Sokolov A.D.
Country reports of the countries in Northeast Asia. – July 2016. Working Group on Energy Planning Policy. Intergovernmetal Collaborative Mechanism on Energy Cooperation in North-East Asia / Korea Energy Economics Institute, 2016. 158 p. P.103-118.

Библиографическая ссылка

Sokolov  D.A., Saneev B.G., Sokolov A.D. Russian Federation National policies for new and renewable energy of the countries in North-East Asia region // Country reports of the countries in Northeast Asia. – July 2016. Working Group on Energy Planning Policy. Intergovernmetal Collaborative Mechanism on Energy Cooperation in North-East Asia / Korea Energy Economics Institute, 2016. 158 p. P.103-118.