Mathematical modeling of solar radiation based on open access longmterm meteorological observation data

Статья в журнале
Karamov D.N.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering
The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by increasing interest in employing renewable energy sources generators in autonomous energy systems of Siberia and Far East. The main aim of the study is to demonstrate the appliance of long-term local meteorological observations for implementation in mathematical models of Iqbal and Kasten-Czeplak for modeling solar radiation over the arctic area of Siberia and Far East. The methods used in the study. The paper uses well-studied mathematical model of solar radiation presented by Iqbal using mathematical models for cloudiness analysis submitted by Kasten-Czeplak. The open access long-term observations data obtained from different meteorological stations are used as input. The author applies the high-level programming language Matlab R2014a. The results. The data obtained revealed the relationship of latitude standard deviation and solar radiation. Mathematical modeling of summary, direct and diffuse solar radiation within 12Byears period for various localities was carried out. The author obtained the matrixes of solar radiation with dimensions of 105120?3, developed the software complex for local analysis of environment parameters and solar radiation. The obtained results were analyzed and verified. It was shown that the results can be used in further studies.

Библиографическая ссылка

Karamov D.N. Mathematical modeling of solar radiation based on open access longmterm meteorological observation data // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.328. No.6. 2017. P.28-37.