Autonomous renewable energy systems in Russia. Critical review of the current situation Статья в журналеKaramov D.N.Energy Reports 2020
Methodology for calculating the lifetime of storage batteries in autonomous energy systems with renewable power generation Статья в журналеKaramov D.N.Energy Reports 2020
Thermochemical interaction of wood and polyethylene during co-oxidation in the conditions of thermogravimetric analysis Статья в журналеDonskoy I.G., Kozlov A.N., Kozlova M.A., Penzik M.V., Shamanskiy V.A.Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2020
Analysis of vulnerability of fuel supply systems in gas-consuming regions due to failure of critical gas industry facilities Статья в журналеSenderov S.M., Smirnova E.M., Vorobev S.V.Energy 2020
Optimization of transmission capacity of energy water pipeline networks with a tree-shaped configuration and multiple sources Статья в журналеSokolov D.V., Barakhtenko E.A.Energy 2020
Mathematical Modeling of Plants for the Combined Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons and Electricity Based on Coal Статья в журналеKler A.M., Tyurina E.A., Mednikov A.S.Solid Fuel Chemistry 2020
Bi-level modeling of district heating systems with prosumers Статья конференцииPenkovskii A., Stennikov V., Kravets A.Energy Reports 2020
Methods for optimization of time redundancy of prosumer in district heating systems Статья конференцииPostnikov I.Energy Reports 2020
Modifications of probabilistic models of states evolution for reliability analysis of district heating systems Статья конференцииPostnikov I., Stennikov V.Energy Reports 2020
The pricing methods on the monopoly district heating market Статья конференцииStennikov V., Penkovskii A.Energy Reports 2020
Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components Статья в журналеKler A.M., Potanina Y.M., Marinchenko A.Y.Energy 2020
Control of accuracy of taylor-collocation method to solve the weakly regular volterra integral equations of the first kind by using the cestac method Статья в журналеNoeiaghdam S., Sidorov D., Sizikov V., Sidorov N.APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS 2020
The Effect of the Carbon Tax Value on the Optimal Parameters and Characteristics of Coal Power Plants Статья в журналеKler A., Zharkov P., Potanina Y., Marinchenko A., Epishkin N.ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES 2020
The Concept of Constructing an Artificial Dispatcher Intelligent System Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Automatic Control System of Electric Networks Статья в журналеTomin N.V.Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 2020
Subcooled water boiling on a microheater under conditions of pulsed heat release Статья в журналеSerdyukov V.S., Surtaev A.S., Malakhov I.P., Timoshevskiy M.V., Safarov A.S.Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 2020
Methodological Approach to the Integrated Optimization of the Heat-Source Structure in the Problems of Developing Heat-Supply Systems Статья в журналеStennikov V.A., Edeleva O.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V.Thermal Engineering 2020
Day-ahead Optimization Schedule for Gas-electric Integrated Energy System Based on Second-order Cone Programming Статья в журналеSun YH, Zhang BW, Ge LJ, Sidorov D, Wang JX, Xu ZCSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS 2020
Spectral and Modal Methods for Studying Stability and Control of Electric Power Systems Статья в журналеVoropai NI, Golub II, Efimov DN, Iskakov AB, Yadykin IBAutomation and Remote Control 2020
Choice of fuel for heat power plants in areas of new development taking into account the uncertainty factor [ВЫБОР ТОПЛИВА ДЛЯ ТЕПЛОВЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИЙ В РАЙОНАХ НОВОГО ОСВОЕНИЯ С УЧЕТОМ ФАКТОРА НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ] Статья в журналеShakirov V.A.Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering 2020
Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy Статья в журналеStennikov V., Postnikov I., Edeleva O.ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES 2020