Present-day Concept of District Heating Development in the USSR. [SOVREMENNAYA KONTSEPTSIYA TEPLOFIKATSII STRANY.]
The main problems of heat energy supply and demand in the USSR are outlined and the role of centralization of heat supply and district heating in their improvement is shown. The tasks of improvement of large-scale district heating systems based on technical solutions intended to improve flexibility, efficiency and controllability of these systems while improveing the quality of the heat supplied are discussed.
Библиографическая ссылка
Melent'ev L.A., Levental' G.B., Chugreev V.A., Al'veva M.G. Present-day Concept of District Heating Development in the USSR. [SOVREMENNAYA KONTSEPTSIYA TEPLOFIKATSII STRANY.] // Teploenergetika. No.8. 1982. P.8-13.