Approach development to the pipeline networks design an integrated heat and cold supply system on the example of Yakutsk city Статья конференцииVasilev S., Barakhtenko E., Pavlov N., Sokolov D. E3S Web of Conferences 2023
Organization of Virtual Inertia Control of a Wind Power Plant Operating in the Network with a Predominant Content of Renewable Energy Sources Статья конференцииAchitaev A., Ilyushin P., Suslov K., Domyshev A.IEEE Xplore 2023
Multi-energy Cooperative Scheduling of Building Microgrid Group Considering AA-CAES Seasonal Efficiency Optimization Статья в журналеHan X., Yang D., Dehghanian P., Tomin N.Dianli Jianshe/Electric Power Construction 2023
An Approach to Implementing High-Performance Computing for Problem Solving in Workflow-Based Energy Infrastructure Resilience Studies Статья в журналеFeoktistov A., Edelev A.V., Tchernykh A., Gorsky S., Basharina O., Fereferov E.
An Approach to Implementing High-Performance Computing for Problem Solving in Workflow-Based Energy Infrastructure Resilience Studies Статья в журналеFeoktistov A., Edelev A.V., Tchernykh A., Gorsky S., Basharina O., Fereferov E.
Предметно-ориентированная среда для исследования живучести энергетических инфраструктур Статья конференцииЕделев А.В.
Dynamics of energy security level changes on the example of the Siberian and Southern Federal Districts Статья конференцииSmirnova E.M., Senderov S.M.AIP Conference Proceedings 2023
Using normalized values of indicators to determine the level of energy security on the example of the Central and Southern federal districts Статья конференцииSmirnova E., Senderov S.E3S Web of Conferences 2023
Methodological approach to assessing the protection of energy objects from the implementation of various negative impacts Статья конференцииVorobev S.V.AIP Conference Proceedings 2023
On a class of the first kind Volterra equations in a problem of identification of a linear nonstationary dynamic system Статья в журналеSolodusha S.V.
Reciprocal Import Tariffs in the Monopolistic Competition Open Economy Статья в журналеAizenberg N., Bykadorov I.
Methods for Analyzing and Increasing Cyber Resilience of Smart Energy System Facilities Статья в журналеDemidov I.S.Energy Systems Research 2023
Глава 3.1. Системные исследования в энергетике. Устойчивое развитие. Энергетический переход Глава в монографииСтенников В.А., Подковальников С.В., Сендеров С.М., Клер А.М., Санеев Б.Г., Массель Л.В., Хамисов О.В., Михеев А.В.
Key Defining Features of the Electric Power Industry in Asian Regions of Russia in Light of Decarbonization Efforts Статья в журналеLachkov G.G.Energy Systems Research 2023
Experimental study on fixed-bed combustion and agglomeration of sawdust–polyethylene mixtures Статья в журналеDonskoy I., Kozlov A., Svishchev D., Penzik M.Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects 2022
Assessment of Indicators of Solar and Wind Energy Potential of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Статья в журналеSaneev B.G., Ivanova I.Y., Shakirov V.A.Geography and Natural Resources 2022
Development of empirical solar radiation models with genetic algorithm and extended validation procedure Статья в журналеShakirov V., Ivanova I., Tuguzova T.International Journal of Green Energy 2022
Methods for the reliability optimization of district-distributed heating systems with prosumers Статья в журналеPostnikov I.V.Energy Reports 2022
Application of energy performance contracts for rural remote areas electrification Статья в журналеKaramov D.N., Minarchenko I.M., Ilyushin P.V., Suslov K.V., Filippov S.P.Energy Reports 2022