On Nonlinear Forced Impulsive Differential Equations under Canonical and Non-Canonical Conditions Статья в журналеSantra S.S., Alotaibi H., Noeiaghdam S., Sidorov D.N.Symmetry 2021
Integral equations: Theories, approximations, and applications Статья в журналеNoeiaghdam S., Sidorov D.Symmetry 2021Symmetry. <>
Modelling the Combined Heat and Power Plants with Steam Turbines in the Study of Energy Security Problems Статья в журналеPiskunova V.M., Krupenev D.S., Krupenev E.A., Pyatkova N.I.ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES 2021
Application of the Methods for Comprehensive Reliability Analysis of District Heating Systems Статья в журналеPostnikov I.ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES 2021
Comparative cost estimation of energy use of wood waste and traditional fuels for electricity and heat production Статья в журналеMarchenko O.V., Solomin S.V.Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering 2021
Nucleation and bubble evolution in subcooled liquid under pulse heating Статья в журналеSurtaev A., Serdyukov V., Malakhov I., Safarov A.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2021
Laser-induced boiling of subcooled liquid: influence of the radiation power on the vapor bubble nucleation and growth Статья в журналеChernov A.A., Pil'nik A.A., Levin A.A., Safarov A.S., Adamova T.P., Elistratov D.S.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2021
Choosing average values when determining characteristics of the unsteady boiling of liquid Статья в журналеLevin A.A.Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software 2021
Support for Managing the Survivability of Energy Systems Based on a Combinatorial Approach Статья в журнале I.V. Bychkov, S. A. Gorsky , A.V. Edelev, R. O. Kostromin, I. A. Sidorov, A. G. Feoktistov, E. S. Fereferov, R. K. FedorovJournal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 2021
Parameter sensitivity analysis on dynamic coefficients of partial arc annular-thrust aerostatic porous journal bearings Статья в журналеHwang P., Khan P., Kang S.-W.Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2021
The Effect of Secondary Boiling on the Dynamics of a Jet Formed during Vapor-Bubble Collapse Induced by Laser Heating of a Liquid Статья в журналеChernov A.A., Guzev M.A., Pil’nik A.A., Adamova T.P., Levin A.A., Chudnovskii V.M.Doklady Physics 2021
Towards the flexible distribution networks design using the reliability performance metric Статья в журналеIlyushin P., Sidorov D.N., Shushpanov I., Suslov K.Energies 2021
Dissociation and combustion of a layer of methane hydrate powder: Ways to increase the efficiency of combustion and degassing Статья в журналеMisyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G.Energies 2021
Installed capacity optimization of autonomous photovoltaic systems under energy service contracting Статья в журналеKaramov D.N., Minarchenko I.M., Kolosnitsyn A.V., Pavlov N.V.Energy Conversion and Management 2021
Co-modeling of methane hydrate dissociation and combustion in a boundary layer Статья в журналеMisyura S.Y., Donskoi I.G.Combustion and Flame 2021
Dissociation of gas hydrate for a single particle and for a thick layer of particles: The effect of self-preservation on the dissociation kinetics of the gas hydrate layer Статья в журналеDonskoi I.G., Misyura S.Y. Fuel 2021
Management of voltage flexibility from inverter-based distributed generation using multi-agent reinforcement learning Статья в журналеVoropai N., Rehtanz C., Kurbatsky V., Tomin N.Energies 2021
Thermogravimetric Study of the Kinetics of the Reaction C + CO2 under Pore-Diffusion Control Статья в журналеDonskoi I.G., Kozlov A.N.Energies 2021
Design and optimal energy management of community microgrids with flexible renewable energy sources Статья в журналеTomin N.V., Shakirov V.A., Kozlov A.N., Sidorov D.N., Kurbatsky V.G., Rehtanz Ch., Lora Electo E.S.Renewable Energy 2021
Technical Features of the Computing and Geo-Information System for Research of Prospective Interstate Power Grid Expansion Статья в журналеTrofimov I.L., Podkovalnikov S.V., Trofimov L.N.International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications 2021