Process Simulation of the Co-Gasification of Wood and Polymeric Materials in a Fixed Bed

Статья в журнале
Donskoi I.G.
Solid Fuel Chemistry
The problem of waste processing remains of considerable current interest. Energy processing can become a method for its solution. For this purpose, the addition of higher grade fuel is frequently required in order to stabilize the process of thermal conversion. In this work, the effect of control parameters on the efficiency of the co-gasification of biomass (wood) and waste polymers in a dense layer was investigated. For this purpose, a mathematical model, which included blocks for describing drying, pyrolysis, and gasification processes for each particular component of a fuel mixture, was developed. The results of the calculation were compared with published data. © 2018, Allerton Press, Inc.

Библиографическая ссылка

Donskoi I.G. Process Simulation of the Co-Gasification of Wood and Polymeric Materials in a Fixed Bed // Solid Fuel Chemistry. Vol.52. No.2. 2018. P.121-127. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521918020027
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