An Analysis of Shortage Minimization Models to Assess Power System Adequacy

Статья в журнале
Iakubovskiy D.V., Krupenev D.S., Boyarkin D.A.
Energy Systems Research
Energy Systems Research. Vol.1. No.3. P.25-32.
Continuous changes and development of power systems stipulate their complexity and aggregation. Therefore, the existing models and programs to calculate the reliability of such systems can be inefficient from the standpoint of time, accuracy and adequacy of the results. To obtain objective information we analyzed some current power shortage minimization models in the solution of adequacy assessment problems. The paper presents the results of model studies on availability of a physically incorrect power flow distribution among nodes and two-sided flows; the proof of the existence of a set of optimal solutions; the tests of existing approaches, which take into consideration adequate power flow distribution. To tackle the described challenges we suggest additional constraints on power flows and a two-stage method for power flow optimization, which, in the end, solved the revealed challenges.

Библиографическая ссылка

Iakubovskiy D.V., Krupenev D.S., Boyarkin D.A. An Analysis of Shortage Minimization Models to Assess Power System Adequacy // Energy Systems Research. Vol.1. No.3. 2018. P.25-32. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2018.03.0003