Integration of the storage battery categorization process into the task of optimizing the equipment of stand7alone energy systems with renewable energy sources [ИНТЕГРAЦИЯ ПРОЦЕCCA КAТЕГОРИЗAЦИИ ЭЛЕКРОХИМИЧЕCКИХ НAКОПИТЕЛЕЙ ЭНЕРГИИ В ЗAДAЧУ ОПТИМИЗAЦИИ CО

Статья в журнале
Karamov D.N.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering
This research arises from the need to enhance the accuracy of optimizing the equipment of stand/alone energy systems with renewable energy sources and storage batteries. Objective. The paper aims to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating the storage battery categorization process into the task of opti/ mizing the equipment of stand/alone energy systems with renewable energy sources, to identify factors affecting the storage battery categorization process and, finally, to summarize and conduct a detailed analysis of the information obtained. Methods. The theoretical framework for this paper borrows from the systems theory and commonly known mathematical models that make it possible to configure the main operating parameters of stand/alone energy systems with renewable energy sources and storage batteries. Extensive use is made of actinometric, wind energy and many other natural and climatic indicators obtained by processing long/term meteorological series at weather stations such as Nome, Kodiak and Adak (Alaska, USA). The results. A methodology was suggested to integrate the storage battery categorization process into the task of optimizing the equip/ ment of stand/alone energy systems using renewable energy sources. The paper presents the research outcomes produced by three con/ ditional stand/alone energy systems using renewable sources and storage batteries. The research findings pointed to the relationship between generation equipment and the total storage battery capacity. An analysis of the research findings was made, followed by ap/ propriate conclusions, their visual representation and assessment of their reliability and potential use in optimization/focused research on stand/alone energy systems. © 2019 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Библиографическая ссылка

Karamov D.N. Integration of the storage battery categorization process into the task of optimizing the equipment of stand7alone energy systems with renewable energy sources [ИНТЕГРAЦИЯ ПРОЦЕCCA КAТЕГОРИЗAЦИИ ЭЛЕКРОХИМИЧЕCКИХ НAКОПИТЕЛЕЙ ЭНЕРГИИ В ЗAДAЧУ ОПТИМИЗAЦИИ CОCТAВA ОБОРУДОВAНИЯ AВТОНОМНЫХ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕCКИХ КОМПЛЕКCОВ, ИCПОЛЬЗУЮЩИХ ВОЗОБНОВЛЯЕМЫЕ ИCТОЧНИКИ ЭНЕРГИИ] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.330. №5. 2019. P.113-130. DOI: 10.18799/24131830/2019/5/262