Mathematical modeling of coal and sewage sludge co>conversion using downdraft gasifer [Математическое моделирование совместной конверсии угля и шлама сточных вод в обращенном слоевом газогенераторе]

Статья в журнале
Donskoy I.G.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering
The relevance of the study is caused by the need to utilize municipal waste. The utilization of combustible waste, such as sewage sludge, can be combined with energy production for small:scale consumers. One of the ways of such utilization can be gasification, which ma: kes it possible to obtain combustible gas suitable for thermal and electric energy production. The aims of the study are: to evaluate the efficiency of sewage sludge co:conversion with higher quality fuel (brown coal) based on the results of mathematical modeling under different process conditions (oxidizer excess ratio, fuel mixture composition, initial moisture of sewage sludge); to estimate the admissible fraction of sewage sludge in the mixture with coal. Object of the study is downdraft brown coal and sewage sludge co:gasification process. Research method: mathematical simulation of the process of fixed bed thermochemical conversion of solid fuels using the stationary one:dimensional model developed earlier by the author. Results. The authors have evaluated the dependencies of gasification characteristics (cold gas efficiency, composition and calorific va: lue of gas) on specific air consumption, sewage sludge mass fraction (0–100 %) and raw sewage sludge moisture content (10–40 %). They determined the maximum values of sewage sludge fraction in the mixture with coal at a fixed chemical efficiency of 60–70 %, and the maximum values of the cold gas efficiency at a fixed sludge fraction level of 20–30 % in the mixture with coal (in order to avoid bed agglomeration). With sludge moisture content of 40 %, its maximum fraction in a mixture with coal can reach 50 % (with agglomera: tion excluded). The moisture contained in the slurry evaporates and reacts as an additional gasifying agent. When the sludge fraction is limited to 20–30 %, the efficiency of gasification falls insignificantly compared with pure coal. 2019 © Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House. All Rights Reserved.

Библиографическая ссылка

Donskoy I.G. Mathematical modeling of coal and sewage sludge co>conversion using downdraft gasifer [Математическое моделирование совместной конверсии угля и шлама сточных вод в обращенном слоевом газогенераторе] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.330. No.2. 2019. P.7-18. DOI: 10.18799/24131830/2019/2/89