Применение алгоритма перебора деревьев и метода имитации отжига для схемно-структурной оптимизации тепловых сетей
The paper considers a mathematically complex problem of heat network configuration and structure optimization. It presents a problem statement and methodological approaches and algorithms to solve it. Traditionally in design practice, comparing 2 or 3 pre-planned alternate schemes solve this problem. Significant complication of the scheme and system scale led to the fact that the obtained solutions are far from optimal ones and often lead to insufficient load of network sections and even their inoperability. The development of mathematical programming and optimization methods gives new possibilities for solving practical problems. At the same time, it requires understanding of energy and mathematical features, as well as corresponding connections between them in order to apply mathematical methods correctly. There is a large arsenal of methods. Choosing effective ones requires special research related to capabilities and limited application. The complexity of scheme-structural optimization problem is in the fact that the objective function in the form of reduced costs is convex in terms of flow rate and concave on the heads. Fixing the heads by transformations, it can be reduced to a concave function. The problem is multiextremal as concave programming problems. An optimal solution will look like a tree. Each possible variant of the tree corresponding to the vertex of a constraint polyhedron will correspond to the local minimum of the objective function. This makes this task difficult to formalize, which does not allow finding an analytical solution. The paper considers a historically applied method of tree search, suggests its modifications, as well as other methods that were not previously used to optimize heat networks. The authors compare the proposed methods and algorithms, and assesse their performance in calculation of networks of different sizes and complexity. The algorithm realizations are universal and might be applied to different types of energy systems with a network structure.
Библиографическая ссылка
Стенников В.А., Чемезов А.А. Применение алгоритма перебора деревьев и метода имитации отжига для схемно-структурной оптимизации тепловых сетей // Программные продукты и системы. Т.31. №2. 2018. C.387-395. DOI: 10.15827/0236-235X.031.2Скопировать
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