Internet-technology for Remote User Support OPTCON Статья конференцииMassel Liudmila, Gornov Alexander, Zarodnyuk TatianaPROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.124-128.
Cyber Resilience of SCADA at the Level of Energy Facilities Статья конференцииKolosok Irina N., Korkina Elena S.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.100-105.
State Estimation of Electric Power System under DOS-attacks on SCADA system and WAMS Статья конференцииKolosok Irina N., Gurina Liudmila A.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.94-99.
Geovisualization Features in Substantiating Solutions in Energy Infrastructures Статья конференцииIzhbuldin Alexander A., Ivanov Roman A., Markov Rodion Yu.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.85-88.
Ontological Analysis of Vulnerabilities in the Energy Sector Статья конференцииVorozhtsova Tatiana N., Skripkin Sergey K.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.202-206.
Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment for Vulnerability Analysis of Energy Critical Infrastructures Статья конференцииEdelev Alexei V., Sidorov Ivan A., Feoktistov Alexander G.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.37-42.
Estimating Solar Power Integration into Vietnam's Power Mix with the Combinatorial Modelling Approach Статья конференцииEdelev Aleksey V., Nguyen Hoai Nam, Quyen Le LuuPROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.31-36.
Automation of the Integrated Graphical Environment Construction Статья конференцииStennikov Valery A., Barakhtenko Evgeny A., Sokolov Dmitry V.PROCEEDINGS OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES: CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT, INTELLIGENT, AGENT-BASED, CLOUD COMPUTING AND CYBER SE 2018Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. Vol.158. P.152-157.
Ontological engineering of knowledge space for situational management in Russian energy sector Статья конференцииMassel L.V., Vorozhtsova T.N.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482144.
Fractal approach to constructing ontological knowledge space Статья конференцииMassel L.V.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482138.
Modeling the active consumer behavior based on the agent approach Статья конференцииGal'Perova E., Gal'Perov V.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482157.
Integration of situation semantic models based on ontology system Статья конференцииTiuriumin V., Massel A.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482232.
Situation calculus application in tasks of intelligent decision-making support Статья конференцииMassel L., Kuzmin V.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482131.
Ontology-based decision support system for forecasting of energy infrastructure development Статья конференцииKopaygorodsky A.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482172.
Intelligent system for risk identification of cybersecurity violations in energy facility Статья конференцииGaskova D., Massel A.RPC 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications. ID: 8482229.
A Robust Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design for LFC in Two-area Power System Статья конференцииLiu F., Xu Z., Liu L., Yang F., Sidorov D.Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018Chinese Control Conference, CCC. Vol.2018-July. ID: 8483944. P.8858-8863.
Economic Dispatch in Smart Grid Based on Fully Distributed Consensus Algorithm with Time Delay Статья конференцииZhang Y., Sun Y., Wu X., Sidorov D., Panasetsky D.Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018Chinese Control Conference, CCC. Vol.2018-July. ID: 8483557. P.2442-2446.
Multi-Agent Approach for Dynamic Elasticity of Virtual Machines Provisioning in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment Статья конференцииFeoktistov A., Sidorov I., Tchernykh A., Edelev A., Zorkalzev V., Kostromin R., Gorsky S., Bychkov I., Avetisyan A.Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2018. ID: 8514450. P.909-916.
Load management possibilities of electric vehicles when expansion planning of electric power systems Статья конференцииVoropai N., Trufanov V., Khanaev V.IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2018IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol.188. No.1. ID: 012016.
Properties of a critical two-phase flow through a granular bed Статья конференцииTairov E.A., Khan P.V.AIP Conference Proceedings 2018AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol.2027. ID: 030043.