Ensemble Methods of Classification for Power Systems Security Assessment Статья в журналеZhukov A.V., Tomin N.V., Kurbatsky V.G., Sidorov D.N., Panasetsky D.A., A.FoleyApplied Computing and Informatics 2019Applied Computing and Informatics. Vol.15. No.1. P.45-53.
Centralized emergency control for multi-terminal VSC-based shipboard power systems Статья в журналеPanasetsky D.A., Sidorov D.N., Y. Li, L. Ouyang, J. Xiong, L. HeInternational Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2019International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. No.104. P.205-214.
Influence of the thermal parameters on the bubble heat balance at transient boiling of subcooled water Статья конференцииLevin A.A., Khan P.V.Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series. No.1369(1). ID:012010.
Автоматизация обработки и визуализации многопараметрических числовых данных при помощи Gnuplot, Gawk и конвейеров данных Статья в журналеХан П.В., Таиров Э.А.Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении 2019Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении. №1(13). C.114-124.
Unsteady model of wall-adjacent boiling subcooled liquid flow Статья конференцииLevin A.A., Chudnovsky V.M.Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1359. No.1. ID:ID: 012048.
An analytical model of subcritical and critical vapor-liquid flow through a granular bed Статья конференцииTairov E.A., Khan P.V.Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series. No.1369(1). ID:ID:012012 . 7 p.
Влияние состава угольно-биомассного топлива на эффективность его газификации в газогенераторах поточного типа Статья в журналеДонской И.Г.Химия твердого топлива 2019Химия твердого топлива. №2. C.55-62.
О целесообразности экологически чистого использования древесных отходов в Байкальском регионе Статья в журналеМарченко О.В., Соломин С.В.ХХI век. Техносферная безопасность 2019ХХI век. Техносферная безопасность. Т.4. №1. C.20-29.
Study of the efficiency of hybrid energy systems with renewable generation: dynamics of energy production in summer and winter periods Статья конференцииMarchenko O.V., Solomin S.V., Kozlov A.N.2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID:8602711. P.1-6.
The Use of Mathematical Methods in Analysis of Antibioticresistans of Microorganisms of Lake Baikal Статья конференцииVerkhozina EV, Safarov AS, Verkhozina VA, Bukin USSpringer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2019Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. P.66-72.
Ownership Unbundling and Monopoly Privileges in Electricity Transmission Статья в журналеFilatov A., Vasilyev M., Zaika R.International Journal of Public Administration 2019International Journal of Public Administration. Vol.42. №15-16. P.1333-1348.
Forming Rate Options for Various Types of Consumers in the Retail Electricity Market by Solving the Adverse Selection Problem Статья в журналеAizenberg N., Stashkevich E., Voropai N.International Journal of Public Administration 2019International Journal of Public Administration. Vol.42. №15-16. P.1349-1362.
Effect of the flow velocity on bubble boiling characteristics Статья конференцииAnatoliy L., Polina K.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.128. ID: 06002.
Analysis of the efficiency of energy systems of long-distance energy transport Статья конференцииTyurina E.A., Mednikov A.S., Elsukov P.Y., Sushko S.N.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.124. ID: 01038.
Nonlinear systems' equilibrium points: Branching, blow-up and stability Статья конференцииSidorov N., Sidorov D., Li Y.Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1268. No.1. ID: 012065.
Energy balancing using charge/discharge storages control and load forecasts in a renewable-energy-based grids Статья конференцииSidorov D., Tao Q., Muftahov I., Zhukov A., Karamov D., Dreglea A., Liu F.Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2019Chinese Control Conference, CCC. Vol.2019-July. ID: 8865777. P.6865-6870.
Mathematical modeling of assessing the number of baikal omul in the system of socio-economic and legal aspects of environmental law violations Статья в журналеSukhodolov A.P., Fedotov A.P., Makarov M.M., Anoshko P.N., Gubiy E.V., Zorkaltsev V.I., Sorokina P.G., Mokry I.V., Lebedeva A.V.Russian journal of criminology 2019Russian journal of criminology. Vol.13. №5. P.757-771.
IPMSM speed and current controller design for electric vehicles based on explicit MPC Статья в журналеLiu F., Gao F., Liu L., Sidorov D.N.Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 2019Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. Vol.23. No.6. P.1019-1026.
Parametric optimization of supercritical power plants using gradient methods Статья в журналеKler A.M., Zharkov P.V., Epishkin N.O.Energy 2019Energy. ID: 116230.
The computing and information system for research of prospective electric power grids expansion Статья в журналеTrofimov I., Trofimov L., Podkovalnikov S., Chudinova L., Belyaev L., Savelév V.Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 2019Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. Vol.29. No.4. P.465-481.