Estimate for interstage water injection in air compressor incorporated into gas-turbine cycles and combined power plants cycles

Статья в журнале
Kler A.M., Zakharov Y.B., Potanina Y.M.
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics
The objects of study are the gas turbine (GT) plant and combined cycle power plant (CCPP) with opportunity for injection between the stages of air compressor. The objective of this paper is technical and economy optimization calculations for these classes of plants with water interstage injection. The integrated development environment "System of machine building program" was a tool for creating the mathematic models for these classes of power plants. Optimization calculations with the criterion of minimum for specific capital investment as a function of the unit efficiency have been carried out. For a gas-turbine plant, the economic gain from water injection exists for entire range of power efficiency. For the combined cycle plant, the economic benefit was observed only for a certain range of plant's power efficiency.

Библиографическая ссылка

Kler A.M., Zakharov Y.B., Potanina Y.M. Estimate for interstage water injection in air compressor incorporated into gas-turbine cycles and combined power plants cycles // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.24. No.3. 2017. P.483-491. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317030155