A Review of Technologies for Multistage Wood Biomass Gasification

Статья в журнале
Mednikov A.S.
Thermal Engineering
Currently, small-scale distributed power generation is being intensively developed in Russia and abroad. Given the rise in the rates for the electric and thermal energy, the development of new territories, and the technical infeasible connection to the power supply system, one of the most promising variants of supplying isolated consumers with power is the application of wood biomass gasification technologies. Analysis of the studies in this sphere shows that considerable attention is paid to enhancing the gasification efficiency and ensuring the purity of the gas. These problems are solved using multistage gasification technology. This technology involves the pyrolysis and gasification in separated zones of the gasifier or individual interconnected reactors, which enables achieving the optimal conditions for the conversion of biomass at every separate stage. The major advantage of multistage gasifiers is the production of synthesis gas with a low content of tar. The article represents a review of technologies for multistage wood biomass gasification and comparison of the relevant gasifiers of various types; the basic single-stage and multistage wood biomass gasification technologies are examined and their technical characteristics and examples of their commercial implementation are provided. Analysis of the current situation shows that predominantly foreign multistage wood biomass gasification technologies/plants have found practical application. These technologies allow the produced syngas to be directly used in internal combustion engines and gas turbines without employing expensive auxiliary detarring plants. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.

Библиографическая ссылка

Mednikov A.S. A Review of Technologies for Multistage Wood Biomass Gasification // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.8. 2018. P.531-546. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518080037
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