Smarter Smart District Heating

Статья в журнале
Novitsky N.N., Shalaginova Z.I., Alekseev A.A., Tokarev V.V., Grebneva O.A., Lutsenko A.V., Vanteeva O.V., Mikhailovsky E.A., Pop R., Chertkov M., Vorobev, Petr E.
Proceedings of the IEEE
This article reviews modern district heating systems (DHS), with the main emphasis on the new challenges in modeling, operation, and planning. We give a brief historical overview of evolution of heating systems around the world and provide the description of DHS in the countries where they constitute a substantial component of the energy supply infrastructure. Main modeling approaches are then reviewed. The review is followed by discussion of the major challenges in modern DHS: active consumers, state estimation, control issues, and future challenges of the operation under uncertainties. IEEE

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Novitsky N.N., Shalaginova Z.I., Alekseev A.A., Tokarev V.V., Grebneva O.A., Lutsenko A.V., Vanteeva O.V., Mikhailovsky E.A., Pop R., Chertkov M., Vorobev, Petr E. Smarter Smart District Heating // Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol.109. No.9. 2020. P.1596-1611. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2020.2990490