Mongolia's potential in international cooperation in the Asian energy space
The paper is concerned with the issues of interstate electric power interconnections to be created in the countries of Northeast Asia. The conditions are formulated, the problems are stated, and solutions for Mongolia's entry into the Asian energy space are proposed. The electricity consumption rates are growing, however, the Northeast Asia countries differ considerably in available energy resources to cope with this growth. Therefore, the need to build international electric power interconnections that take into account climatic features, seasonal peak load differences and other factors in order to rationally match power demand and supply is getting increasingly more obvious. Mongolia can take an active part in this process, as the country is rich in energy resources and interested in their development to meet their domestic needs and exchange with neighboring countries. The establishment of interstate power interconnections in the Northeast Asia countries represents a topical task whose solution will make it possible to meet the demand of this region for electricity on mutually beneficial terms. Mongolia has a good spatial position, energy resources and is interested in ensuring domestic energy balance. Therefore, the country can be an active participant in such an integration process. © 2018 The Authors.
Библиографическая ссылка Batmunkh S., Stennikov V., Bat-Erdene B., Erdenebaatar A. Mongolia's potential in international cooperation in the Asian energy space // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.27. ID: 01006. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20182701006
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