Ways to improve the efficiency of carbon dioxide utilization and gas hydrate storage at low temperatures

Статья в журнале
Misyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G.
Journal of CO2 Utilization
The dissociation of gas hydrate in the form of pressed granules of different diameters has been investigated. Kinetic equations to describe dissociation of gas hydrates at negative temperatures have been obtained for the first time. The activation energy for CO2 hydrate is higher than for methane hydrate, and the intrinsic decomposition rate constant value, on the contrary, is almost 15 times lower for CO2 hydrate. The article proposes methods to improve the efficiency of gas hydrate storage and utilization of carbon dioxide. The pressed granules were obtained from gas hydrate particles of the same size (0.5 mm). The activation energy was found to be practically independent of the diameter of the pressed granules and the thickness of the powder layer, but to be determined by the minimum (""effective"") size of particles, forming the granules or a layer. The ""effective"" size refers to the diameter of uniform particles for which coalescence, pressing and any other packaging are excluded. It is shown for the first time that the value of the pre-exponential factor depends on the radius of the granule R (layer thickness h) if the radius (layer thickness h) exceeds the characteristic critical size Rcr (hcr). The Rcr value is determined by the thermal and diffusion resistance of the layer and is different for different gas hydrates. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd.

Библиографическая ссылка

Misyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G. Ways to improve the efficiency of carbon dioxide utilization and gas hydrate storage at low temperatures // Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol.34. 2019. P.313-324. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2019.07.010