Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components

Статья в журнале
Kler A.M., Potanina Y.M., Marinchenko A.Y.
The improvement in the efficiency of an energy plant depends on a rational development of its flowchart and choice of parameters along with the load schedule, equipment reliability, operating mode, etc. It is advisable to study such complex technical systems with the methods of mathematical modeling and optimization. The paper presents an approach to the development of optimal flowcharts and selection of parameters of energy plants. The approach is based on the combination of a method for optimization of the most complex flowchart and a method for solving discrete-continuous problems of nonlinear mathematical programming. A case study of the co-optimization of design parameters, operating parameters and equipment mix for the integrated gasification combined-cycle plant is demonstrated. The optimization calculations were carried out by the criterion of the minimum price of electricity for a given internal rate of return on investment and the maximum energy efficiency of the plant. Several optimal solutions meeting the different criteria are obtained. The proposed approach can be used for optimization of flowcharts and parameters of other complicated energy plants (high-efficiency combined-cycle plants, ultra-supercritical steam cycles, integrated power plants for electricity and synthetic liquid fuel co-production from coal, etc.). © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

Библиографическая ссылка

Kler A.M., Potanina Y.M., Marinchenko A.Y. Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components // Energy. Vol.193. ID: 116679. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/