Combined production of synthetic liquid fuel and electricity from coal using H2S and CO2 removal systems

Статья в журнале
Tyurina E.А., Skripchenko O.V.
Energy Reports
The main aim of the research is to continue the studies on promising technologies of coal conversion into synthetic liquid fuel (methanol). The object of study is the plants for combined production of electricity and synthetic liquid fuel (PCPs), which are eco-friendly and more efficient as compared to the plants for separate production. The previous studies on PCPs consider the systems for fine cleaning of gasification products in a simplified way. This study presents the detailed mathematical modeling of the aforementioned systems and determines the values of energy consumption and investment in them. The obtained values are used to carry out the optimization studies and find the optimal parameters of PCPs with different degree of CO2 removal from gasification products providing fine cleaning of gasification products from H2S.

Библиографическая ссылка

Tyurina E.А., Skripchenko O.V. Combined production of synthetic liquid fuel and electricity from coal using H2S and CO2 removal systems // Energy Reports. Vol.1. No.10. 2015. P.50-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2014.11.005