Clean coal technologies for electricity and synthetic liquid fuel production for distributed generation Статья в журналеTyurina E., Mednikov A., Zharkov P.ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES 2020
Error estimation of the homotopy perturbation method to solve second kind volterra integral equations with piecewise smooth kernels: Application of the cadna library Статья в журналеNoeiaghdam S., Dreglea A., He J., Avazzadeh Z., Suleman M., Araghi M.A.F., Sidorov D.N., Sidorov N.Symmetry 2020
Economic efficiency assessment of using wood waste in cogeneration plants with multi-stage gasification Статья в журналеMarchenko O., Solomin S., Kozlov A., Shamanskiy V., Donskoy I.Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2020
Identification of critical objects in reliance on cyber threats in the energy sector Статья в журналеMassel A., Gaskova D.Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 2020
Feasibility Study of Using Geothermal Heat-Pump Units for Substituting Small-Capacity Coal-Fired Boiler Houses (Taking the Baikal Natural Area as an Example) Статья в журналеIvanova I.Y., Shakirov V.A., Ermakov M.V., Bukher F.S.Thermal Engineering 2020
Modeling the mass velocity and pressure drop of forced vapor-liquid flow through a granular bed Статья в журналеTairov E., Khan P.International Journal of Multiphase Flow 2020
Piecewise linear bounding functions in univariate global optimization Статья в журналеPosypkin M., Usov A., Khamisov O.Soft Computing 2020
Method of measuring void fraction in a channel with porous media Статья в журналеTairov E.A.Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 2020
Nonlinear systems of Volterra equations with piecewise smooth kernels: Numerical solution and application for power systems operation Статья в журналеSidorov D., Tynda A., Muftahov I., Dreglea A., Liu F.Mathematics 2020
Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method Статья в журналеKrupenev D., Boyarkin D., Iakubovskii D.Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2020
Smarter Smart District Heating Статья в журналеNovitsky N.N., Shalaginova Z.I., Alekseev A.A., Tokarev V.V., Grebneva O.A., Lutsenko A.V., Vanteeva O.V., Mikhailovsky E.A., Pop R., Chertkov M., Vorobev, Petr E.Proceedings of the IEEE 2020
Modeling of non-stationary temperature field in the neighborhood of the optical fiber end under laser pulse heating Статья в журналеLevin A.A., Safarov A.S., Chudnovskii V.M., Chernov A.A.Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer 2020
Simulation and Optimization of Wood Biomass Gasification Regimes in a Flow of Steam-Oxygen Blast Статья в журналеDonskoi I.G.Bulletin of Irkutsk State University, Series Mathematics 2020
Solvability and bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear equations with fredholm operator Статья в журналеSidorov N., Sidorov D., Dreglea A.Symmetry 2020
Approaches to the identification of critical facilities and critical combinations of facilities in the gas industry in terms of its operability Статья в журналеSenderov S.M., Vorobev S.V.Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2020
Coal industry of mongolia: Resources for advancement Статья в журналеSokolov A.D., Takayshvili L.N., Batkhuyag S., Ochirbat P.Gornyi Zhurnal 2020
Determination of the optimal structure of wind-solar power plants in the Mongolian part of the Gobi Desert [ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ОПТИМАЛЬНОЙ СТРУКТУРЫ ВЕТРОСОЛНЕЧНЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИЙ В МОНГОЛЬСКОЙ ЧАСТИ ПУСТЫНИ ГОБИ] Статья в журналеMarchenko O.V., Solomin S.V.Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering 2020
Solar irradiance forecasting based on direct explainable neural network Статья в журналеHuaizhi Wang, Ren Cai, Bin Zhou, Saddam Aziz, Bin Qin, Voropai N.I., Lingxiao Gan, Barakhtenko E.A.Energy Conversion and Management 2020
Two-Stage Active and Reactive Power Coordinated Optimal Dispatch for Active Distribution Network Considering Load Flexibility Статья в журналеY. Zhang, X. Song, Y. Li, Z. Zeng, C. Yong, D. Sidorov, X. LvEnergies 2020
Electric Power System Transformations: A Review of Main Prospects and Challenges Статья в журналеVoropai NEnergies 2020