
Новые поступления

№7 Электроэнергетика. Электротехника.

авг 2011

1. Электротехническая энциклопедия: в 4-х т. Т.1:А-И/ гл. ред. А.Ф. Дьяков. –М.: Изд-во МЭИ, 2005. –315 с.; З2 Э45 №45258

2. Электротехническая энциклопедия: в 4-х т. Т.2: К-П/ гл. ред. А.Ф. Дьяков. –М.: Изд-во МЭИ, 2008. –429 с.; З2 Э45 №45256

3. Электротехническая энциклопедия: в 4-х т. Т.3: Р-Т/ гл. ред. А.Ф. Дьяков. –М.: Изд-во МЭИ, 2009. –287 с.; З2 Э45 №45257

4. Электротехническая энциклопедия: в 4-х т. Т.4: У-Я/ гл. ред. А.Ф. Дьяков. –М.: Изд-во МЭИ, 2010. –261 с.; З2 Э45 №45255

5. Алиев, И.И. Электротехника и электрооборудование: справочник/ И.И. Алиев. –М.: Высш. шк., 2010. -1199 с.: ил. –Библиогр.: с.1183; З2 А50 ЧЗ №45270

6. Окороков, Р.В. Финансовая безопасность электроэнергетических компаний: теория и методология управления/ Р.В. Окороков, Ю.А. Соколов, В.Р. Окороков: науч. ред. М.П. Федоров; СПб. гос. политехн. ун-т. –СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2007. -359 с.: рис., табл. –Библиогр.: с.314-324; У9(2)3 О-51 №45280

7. Гумерова, Н.И. Численные методы анализа переходных процессов в электроэнергетике: учеб. пособие для вузов/ Н.И. Гумерова, Б.В. Ефимов; СПб. гос. политехн. ун-т. –СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2008. -155 с.: рис., табл. –Библиогр.: с.138; З27 Г94 №45275

8. Ванин, В.К. Системный анализ аварийных режимов работы электросети: Асинхронные режимы электроэнергетических систем: учеб. пособие/ В.К. Ванин, М.Г. Попов; СПб. гос. политехн. ун-т. –СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2008. -170 с.: рис., табл. –Библиогр.: с.170; З27 В17 №45286

9. Халилов, Ф.Х. Электромагнитная совместимость: Электромагнитная совместимость линий электропередачи с биосферой: учеб. пособие/ Ф.Х. Халилов; СПб. гос. политехн. ун-т. –СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2008. -64 с.: рис., табл. –Библиогр.: с.64; З279 Х17 №45274

10. Ванин, В.К. Элементы систем автоматического управления в энергетике: Цифровая микроэлектроника систем управления и релейной защиты: учеб. пособие для вузов/ В.К. Ванин, М.Г. Попов; СПб. гос. политехн. ун-т. –СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2008. -151 с.: рис., табл. –Библиогр.: с.147; З27 В17 №45283

11. Известия НИИ постоянного тока: науч. сб. №64/ Научно-исследовательский институт по передаче электроэнергии постоянным током высокого напряжения. –СПб.,2010. -355 с.: ил. –Библиогр. в конце ст.; З279 И33 №45311

12. Снижение рисков каскадных аварий в электроэнергетических системах/ ИСЭМ СО РАН, ИДСТУ СО РАН, ИЭОПП РАН; отв. ред. Н.И. Воропай. –Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 2011. -302 с.:ил. –(Интеграционные проекты СО РАН; вып. 29). –Библиогр.: с.285-296.; З27 С53 №№45251, 45252

13. Методические вопросы исследования надежности больших систем энергетики: проспект науч. семинара / Междунар. науч. семинар им. Ю.Н. Руденко, ИСЭМ СО РАН. –Иркутск: ИСЭМ СО РАН, 2011. -81 с.; З27 М54 2экз. б/н

14. Дьяконов, В.П. MATLAB и Simulink в электроэнергетике: справочник/ В.П. Дьяконов, А.А. Пеньков. –М.: Горячая линия. –Телеком, 2009. -816 с.: рис. –Библиогр.: с.792-795; З 973.2 Д93 №45303

15. Methodological problems in reliability study of large energy systems: booklet/ Melentiev energy systems institute Russian academy of sciences Siberian branch/ - Irkutsk, 2010. -55 p., il., foto; U M61 б/н

16. Power of technology for a sustainable society [Электронный ресурс]: proc. / conf. “Power of Technology for a sustainable society”, June 19-23, 2011, Trondheim, Norwegian, IEEE PES, Norwegian univ. of sciences and technology. –Trondheiv, 2011. -1 CD ROM. –Систем. требования: IBM PC, Windows 2000, Windows XP и выше; CD 126 P89

17. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 10 th, 2011 [Электронный ресурс] : proceedings / International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 10th, 2011, 8-11 May, Rome, Italy ; ed. M. Caciotta, Z. Leonowicz. - Rome : [б. и.], 2011. - 1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM). - Систем. требования: Acrobat Reader ; CD124 I69 ЧЗ

18. Скляров, Е.В. О создании информационной системы мониторинга и управления эффективностью энергосбережения на объектах города Москвы/ Е.В. Скляров// Промышленная энергетика. -2011. -№6. –С.2-6; ЭЭ-2.1

19. Забелло, Е.П. Юридические аспекты взаимоотношений гарантирующего поставщика и потребителя в точках поставки электрической энергии/ Е.П. Забелло, А.Н. Евсеев// Промышленная энергетика. -2011. -№6. –С.13-17; ЭЭ-; ЭЭ-1.2.3

20. К вопросу о количественной оценке взаимозависимости источников внешнего электроснабжения/ М.С. Ершов [и др.] // Промышленная энергетика. -2011. -№6. –С.28-32; ЭЭ-2.1

21. Повышение качества электрической энергии в сетях Приобского месторождения ООО «РН-Юганскнефтегаз» с помощью параллельных активных фильтров [и др.] // Промышленная энергетика. -2011. -№6. –С.49-52; ЭЭ-4.1.4

22. Современные шкафы управления оперативным током и зарядно-разрядные выпрямители // Промышленная энергетика. -2011. -№6. –С.57-59; ЭЭ-4.1.7

23. Развитие системы противоаварийного управления для предотвращения и ликвидации асинхронных режимов энергосистемы с использованием регистраторов комплексных величин (PMU)/ Н.В. Воропай [и др.] // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.2-8; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.7

24. Моделирование, синтез и оценка режимов межсистемных связей объединенных энергосистем/ А.Е. Махнитко [и др.] // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.8-16; ЭЭ-5.0

25. Методы прогнозирования параметров режима электроэнергетических систем для целей мониторинга и управления/ А.З. Гамм [и др.] // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.17-26; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-6.1

26. Беспрозванных, А.В. Влияние емкостей на результаты измерений параметров многожильных кабелей при оценке их технического состояния/ А.В. Беспрозванных, Б.Г. Набока // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.27-36; ЭЭ-7.0

27. Шумов, Ю.Н. Сверхскоростные и ультраскоростные асинхронные машины за рубежом: обзор публикаций/ Ю.Н. Шумов // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.36-41; ЭЭ-7.0

28. Филюшов, Ю.П. Оптимизация электромагнитных процессов в асинхронной машине с короткозамкнутым ротором/ Ю.П. Филюшов // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.42-47; ЭЭ-7.0

29. Кучер, Е.С. Исследование условий текущей идентифицируемости параметров асинхронного электропривода/ Е.С. Кучер, В.В. Панкратов // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.48-52; ЭЭ-7.0

30. Чаплыгин, Е.Е. Широтно-импульсная модуляция с пассивной фазой в трехфазных инверторах напряжения/ Е.Е. Чаплыгин, С.В. Хухтиков // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.53-61; ЭЭ-4.1.4

31. Беляков, Ю.С. По поводу статьи Максимова Б.К. и др. «Мониторинг частоты в переходных режимах работы электрической сети» (Электричество, 2010, №4)/ Ю.С. Беляков // Электричество. -2011. -№5. –С.67-68; ЭЭ-4.1.7

32. О порядке согласования передачи объектов электросетевого хозяйства, входящих в единую национальную (общероссийскую) электрическую сеть, в аренду территориальным сетевым организациям: постановление Правительства РФ: от 27 декабря 2010 г. №1173// Собрание законодательства РФ. -2011. -№23. – Ст. 3316. –С.7529-7533; ЭЭ-1.2.6; ЭЭ-2.2.3

33. The impact on energy consumption of daylight saving clock changes/ S.L. Hill [et al.] //Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.9. -P.4955-4965; ЭЭ-2.1

34. Keller, A. Competition effects of mergers: An event study of the German electricity market/ A. Keller//Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.9. -P.5264-5271; ЭЭ-

35. Falbo, P. A new index for electricity spot markets/ P. Falbo, M. Fattore, S. Stefani //Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.6. -P.2739-2750; ЭЭ-1.2.3

36. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as regulating power providers: Case studies of Sweden and Germany/ S.-L. Andersson [et al.] //Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.6. -P.2751-2762; ЭЭ-

37. Faber, A. Exploring domestic micro-cogeneration in the Netherlands: An agent-based demand model for technology diffusion/ A. Faber, M. Valente, P. Janssen//Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.6. -P.2763-2775; ЭЭ-

38. Jain G. Energy security issues at household level in India/ G. Jain//Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.6. -P.2835-2845; ЭЭ-1.2.3

39. Gnansounou, E. Vulnerability of the economy to the potential disturbances of energy supply: A logic-based model with application to the case of China/ E. Gnansounou, J. Dong//Energy Policy. –2010. –V.38. –N.6. -P.2739-2846-2857; ЭЭ-2.1

40. Garley, S. Historical analysis of U.S. electricity markets: Reassessing carbon lock-in/ S. Garley //Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.720-732; ЭЭ-

41. Gallagher, B. Peak oil analyzed with a logistic function and idealized Hubbert curve/ B. Gallagher//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.780-802; ЭЭ-6.4

42. Firm size and productivity. Evidence from the electricity distribution industry in Brazil/ B. Tovar [et al.] //Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.826-833; ЭЭ-1.2..2.2

43. Akkemik, K.A. Potential impacts of electricity price changes on price formation in the economy: a social accounting matrix price modeling analysis for Turkey/ K.A. Akkemik//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.854-864; ЭЭ-1.2..3

44. Poullikkas, A. A hybrid model for the optimum integration of renewable technologies in power generation systems/ A. Poullikkas, G. Kourtis, I. Hadjipaschalis//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.926-935; ЭЭ-1.2.3; ЭЭ-6.4

45. Electric-systems integration in the Andes community: Opportunities and threats/ E. Sauma [et al.] //Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.936-949; ЭЭ-2.2.4

46. Gujba, H. Power generation scenarios for Nigeria: An environmental and cost assessment/ H. Gujba, Y. Mulugetta, A.Azapagic//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.968-980; ЭЭ-

47. Sadorsky,P. Financial development and energy consumption in Central and Eastern European frontier economies/P. Sadorsky//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.999-1006; ЭЭ-

48. Depuru, S.S.S.R. Electricity theft: Overview, issues, prevention and a smart meter based approach to control theft/ S.S.S.R.Depuru, L.Wang, V. Devabhaktuni//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.1007-1015; ЭЭ-4.1.3

49. Hao, H. Comparison of policies on vehicle ownership and use between Beijing and Shanghai and their impacts on fuel consumption by passenger vehicles/ H. Hao, H. Wang, M. Ouyang//Energy Policy. –2011. –V.39. –N.2. -P.1016-1021; ЭЭ-

50. An overview of power transmission systems in China/ X. Zhou // Energy. -2010. –V.35, N.11. –P.4302-4312; ЭЭ-2.2.4

51. Guo, Z.C. Current situation of energy consumption and measures taken for energy saving in the iron and steel industry in China/ Z.C. Guo, Z.X. Fu// Energy. -2010. –V.35, N.11. –P.4356-4360; ЭЭ-2.1.1

52. Chang, X. Hydropower in China at present and its further development/ X.Chang, X. Liu, W. Zhou// Energy. -2010. –V.35, N.11. –P.4400-4405; ЭЭ-2.2.4

53. Gaigalis, V. Lietuvos pramones sektoriaus vystymosi bei kuro ir energijos vartojimo pramoneje 2004-2008 m. tendencijos/ V. Gaigalis, R. Škema // Energetika. -2010. –T.56, N.3-4. –P.210-218; ЭЭ-2.1.1

54. Gaigalis, V. Ükio vystymosi bei kuro ir energijos vartojimo Lietuvoje 2004-2008 m. analize/ V. Gaigalis, R. Škema // Energetika. -2010. –T.56, N.3-4. –P.196-192; ЭЭ-2.1.1

55. Energetikos raidos darnumo vertinimo metodologijos principai/ V. Klevas, [et al.] // Energetika. -2010. –T.56, N.2. –P.92-102; ЭЭ-2.2.

56. Ruprys, A. The uncertainty oil price forecasts/ A. Kuprys// Energetika. -2010. –T.56, N.2. –P.92-102; ЭЭ-6.4

57. Energy and emissions forecast of China over a long-time horizon/ U.K. Rout, [et al.] //Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.1-11; ЭЭ-2.1

58. Lin, B. Principles, effects and problems of differential power pricing policy for energy intensive industries in China/ B. Lin, J. Liu//Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.111-118; ЭЭ-1.2.3

59. Niknam, T. An efficient algorithm for multi-objective optimal operation management of distribution network considering fuel cell power plants/ T. Niknam, H.Z. Meymand, H.D. Mojarrad //Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.119-132; ЭЭ-1.2.6; ЭЭ-6.4

60. Chang, H.-H. Genetic algorithms and non-intrusive energy management system based economic dispatch for cogeneration units/ h.-H. Chang//Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.181-190; ЭЭ-2.1; ЭЭ-6.4

61. Artificial neural networks for analysis of process states in fluidized bed combustion/ M. Liukkonen [et al.] //Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.339-347; ЭЭ-6.4

62. Optimization of an artificial neural network dedicated to the multivariate forecasting of daily global radiation/ C. Voyant [et al.] //Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.348-359; ЭЭ-6.4

63. Catalão, J.P.S. Hydro energy systems management in Portugal: Profit-based evaluation of a mixed-integer nonlinear approach/ J.P.C. Catalão, H.M.I. Pousinho, V.M.F. Mendes//Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.1. –P.500-507; ЭЭ-

64. Nicht-konventionelle Kohlenwasserstoffe – Energiequelle der Zukunft?/ H. Rempel [et al.] // Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.11. –P.8-12; ЭЭ-4.1.4

65. Handschuh, M. Interessenlage deutscher Netzbetreiber – zwischen Regulierung und Zukunftsorientierung/ M. Handschuh, C. Witzemann, F. Meister// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.11. –P.36-37; ЭЭ-2.2.6

66. Der Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge: Politisch-wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen der Angebots- und Nachfrageseite/ S. Brunnert [et al.] // Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.11. –P.48-53; ЭЭ-1.2.1

67. Depenbrock, G. Energiekonzept wird Chefsache/ G. Depenbrock // Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.6; ЭЭ-2.2

68. Niehörster, K. Virtuelle Kraftwerke: Zentrale Steuerung dezentraler Erzeugunu/ K. Nichörster // Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.20; ЭЭ-2.2.6

69. Energieprognose 2009: Entwicklung der Energiemärkte bis 2030/ U. Fahl// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.30-34; ЭЭ-

70. Bode, S. Laufzeitverlängerung von Kernkraftwerken: Handlungsoptionen zum Vorteilsausgleich/ S. Bode, H. Kondziella, T. Bruckner// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.35-37; ЭЭ-2.2

71. Lambertz, J. Wirtschaftliche Energiesicherheit muss im Zentrum der EU-Energiestrategie 2020 stehen/ J. Lambertz, W.G. Entrup// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.38-39; ЭЭ-1

72. Förster. H. Smart Metering – Versorger auf der Suche nach optimalen Strukturen/ H. Förster// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.50-52; ЭЭ-2.2.6

73. Dewald, F. Herstellerübergreifendes, modulares Smart-Meter-Konzept bietet Investitionssicherheit/ F. Dewald// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.54-55; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.7

74. Schöpf, M. Gefahrenherd Datenschutzskandal: Energieversorgungsunter-nehmen besonders gefährdet/ M.J. Schöpf// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.9. –P.64-66; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.7

75. Die Zukunft der Stromnetze – Sichtweise eines regionalen Energiedienstleisters / J. Hermsmeier [et al.] // Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.12. –P.12-13; ЭЭ-1

76. Sauthoff, M. Neue, zukunftsfähige Geschäftsmodelle für Stadtwerke/ M. Sauthoff, O. Schön// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.12. –P.58-62; ЭЭ-2.2.6

77. Energietag 2010: Perspektiven für die europäische und nationale Energiezukunft// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.12. –P.94; ЭЭ-2.2.4

78. Kernkraftwerke und erneuerbare Energien – die Mär vom „Systemkonflikt“/ M. Hundt [et al.] // Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.10. –P.28-33; ЭЭ-2.2.4

79. Kondziella, H. Mögliches Aufkommen einer Brennelementesteuer im Kontext der Laufzeitverlängerung der Kernkraftwerke/ H. Kondziella, S. Bode, T. Bruckner// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.10. –P.34-37; ЭЭ-2.2.4

80. Häfner, C. Chancen und Risiken der Verlustenergiebeschaffung / C. Häfner, A. Schwenzer, P. Haac// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.10. –P.50-53; ЭЭ-1.2

81. Ganser, K. Strategische Management-planungs- und- kontrollsysteme für Energieversorger/ K. Ganser// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.10. –P.66-69; ЭЭ-2.2.4

82. Schäfer, A. Ganzheitliches Netzcontrolling: Herausforderungen für ein integriertes Asset Management/ A. Schäfer, A. Dutz// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.10. –P.82-83; ЭЭ-2.1.1

83. Haber, A. Stromnetzregulierung – Investitionsförderungen und Anforderungen am Beispiel Österreich/ A. Haber// Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. -2010. –N.10. –P.84-87; ЭЭ-2.2.4

84. A new honey bee mating optimization algorithm for non-smooth economic dispatch/ T. Niknam [et al.] // Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.896-908; ЭЭ-1.2.3

85. Mousavi-Avval, S.H. Optimization of energy consumption and input costs for apple production in Iran using data envelopment analysis/ S.H. Mousavi-Avval. S. Rafiee, A. Mohammadi// Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.896-909-916; ЭЭ-2.1

86. Gandhidasan, P. Artificial neural network analysis of liquid desiccant dehumidification system/ P. Gandhidasan, M.A. Mohandes// Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.1180-1186; ЭЭ- 6.4

87. Kim, M.K. Market-clearing for pricing system security based on voltage stability criteria/ M.K. Kim, J.K. Park, Y.W. Nam// Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.1255-1264; ЭЭ-1.2.3

88. Hajati, M. Optimal retailer bidding in a DA market – a new method considering risk and demand elasticity/ M.Hajati, H. Seifi, M.K. Sheikh-El-Eslami// Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.1332-1339; ЭЭ-2.1.2

89. An efficient approach for electric load forecasting using distributed ART (adaptive resonance theory) & HS-ARTMAP (Hyper-spherical ARTMAP network) neural network/ Y.Cai [et al.] // Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.1340-1350; ЭЭ-2.1.2

90. Hao, H. Hybrid modeling of China’s vehicle ownership and projection through 2050/ H. Hao, H. Wang, R. Yi // Energy. -2011. –V.36, N.2. –P.1351-1361; ЭЭ-2.2.4

91. Erdogdu, E. The impact of power market reforms on electricity price-cost margins and cross-subsidy levels: A cross country panel data analysis/ E. Erdogdu // Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.3. –P.1080-1092; ЭЭ-1.2.3

92. Meeus, L. Why (and how) to regulate power exchanges in the EU market integration context?/ L. Meeus// Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.3. –P.1470-1475; ЭЭ-

93. Leahy, E. An estimate of the value of lost load for Ireland / E. Leahy, R.S.J. Tol// Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.3. –P.1514-1520; ЭЭ-2.1

94. The effects of electricity pricing on PHEV competitiveness/ S. Huang [et al.] // Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.3. –P.1552-1561; ЭЭ-1.2.3

95. Electricity trade and GHG emissions: Assessment of Quebec’s hydropower in the Northeastern American market (2006-2008)/ M.B. Amor [et al.] // Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.3. –P.1711-1721; ЭЭ-

96. Kim, H. The optimal fuel mix and redistribution of social surplus in the Korean power market/ H. Kim, S.-S. Kim// Energy Policy. -2010. –V.38, N.12. –P.7929-7938; ЭЭ-

97. Sa’ad, S. Underlying energy demand trends in South Korean and Indonesian aggregate whole economy and residential sectors/ S. Sa’ad // Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.1. –P.40-46; ЭЭ-2.2.4

98. Modeling generation expansion in the context of a security of supply mechanism based on long-term auctions. Application to the Colombian case/ P. Rodilla [et al.] // Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.1. –P.176-186; ЭЭ-

99. Pasaoglu, G. Using the decentralized and liberalized electricity market microworld (LRNN) as an educational tool/ G. Pasaoglu // Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.1. –P.187-199; ЭЭ-

100. Viehmann, J. Risk premiums in the German day-ahead Electricity Market/ J. Viehmann// Energy Policy. -2011. –V.39, N.1. –P.386-394; ЭЭ-1.2.3

101. Seethalekshmi, K. A Sunchrophasor Assisted Frequency and Voltage Stability Based Load Shedding Scheme for Self-Healing of Power System/ K. Seethalekshmi, S.N. Singh, S.C. Srivastava // IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.221-230; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-6.1

102. Advanced Power Electronic Conversion and Control System for Universal and Flexible Power Management/ S. Bifaretti [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.231-243; ЭЭ-4.1.4

103. CIM-Based Connectivity Model for Bus-Branch Topology Extraction and Exchange/ Y. Pradeep [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.244-253; ЭЭ-6.3

104. A Novel Smart High-Voltage Circuit Breaker for Smart Grid Applications/ J. Liu [et al.[ // IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.254-264; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-7.0

105. Sadinezhad, I. Slow Sampling Online Optimization Approach to Estimate Power System Frequency/ I. Sadinezhad, V.G. Agelidis// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.265-277; ЭЭ-4.1.4

106. Reputation-Based Trust for a Cooperative Agent-Based Backup Protection Scheme/ J.F. Borowski [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.287-301; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.7

107. Dallinger, D. Vehicle-to-Grid Regulation Reserves Based on a Dynamic Simulation of Mobility Behavior/ D. Dallinger, D. Krampe, M. Wietschel// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.302-313; ЭЭ-2.2.6

108. Erol-Kantarci, M. Wireless Sensor Networks for Cost-Efficient Residential Energy Management in the Smart Grid/ M. Erol-Kantarci, H.T. Mouftah// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.314-325; ЭЭ-1.2.3; ЭЭ-2.2.6

109. Kim, T.T. Strategic Protection Against Data Injection Attacks on Power Grids/ T.T. Kim, H.V. Poor// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.326-333; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.7; ЭЭ-6.1

110. Nyeng, P. Information and Communications Systems for Control-by-Price of Distributed Energy Resources and Flexible Demand/ P. Nyeng, J. Østergaard// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.334-341; ЭЭ-1.2.3

111. He, M. A Dependency Graph Approach for Fault Detection and Localization Towards Secure Smart Grid/ M. Hi, J. Zhang// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.342-251; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.7

112. Mohamed, Y.A.-R.I. Hierarchical Control System for Robust Microgrid Operation and Seamless Mode Transfer in Active Distribution Systems/ Y.A.-R.I. Mohamed, A. A. Radwan// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.352-362; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.4

113. Juanjuan, W. Design of WAMS-Based Multiple HVDC Damping Control System/ W. Juanjuan, F. Chuang, Z. Yao// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.363-374; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-6.3

114. Wu, D. Fault-Tolerant and Scalable Key Management for Smart Grid/ D. Wu, C. Zhou// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.375-381; ЭЭ-2.2.6

115. Yuan, Y. Modeling Load Redistribution Attacks in Power Systems/ Y. Yuan, Z. Li, K. Ren// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.382-390; ЭЭ-2.1; ЭЭ-6.1

116. Samui, A. Assessment of ROCPAD Relay for Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation/ A. Samui, S.R. Samantaray// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.391-398; ЭЭ-2.2.6

117. Ligital Grid: Communicative Electrical Grids of the Future/ R.Abe [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.399-410; ЭЭ-2.2.6

118. Du, P. Appliance Commitment for Household Load Scheduling/ P. Du, N. Lu// IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. -2011. –V.2, N.2. –P.411-419; ЭЭ-2.2.6

119. Chan, J.Y. Risk-Based Assessment of Financial Losses Due to Voltage Sag/ J.Y. Chan, J.V. Milanovic, A. Delahunty // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.492-500; ЭЭ-2.1.2

120. Tavakoli, M.R.B. Transmission-Lines Shielding Failure-Rate Calculation by Means of 3-D Leader Progression Models/ M.R.B. Tavakoli, B.Vahidi Delahunty // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.507-516; ЭЭ-7.0

121. Accurate Noniterative Fault-Location Algorithm Utilizing Two-End Unsynchronized Measurements/ J. Izykowski [et al.] Delahunty // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.547-555; ЭЭ-4.1.7; ЭЭ-7.0

122. Vegunta, S.C. Estimation of Cost of Downtime of Industrial Process Due to Voltage Sags/ S.C. Vegunta, J.V. Milanovic// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.576-587; ЭЭ-4.1.4

123. Identifying Transformer Inrush Current Based on Normalized Grille Curve/ J. Ma [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.588-595; ЭЭ-4.1.7

124. Fenton, G.A. Reliability-Based Transmission Line Design/ G.A. Fenton, N. Sutherland// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.596-606; ЭЭ-3.3; ЭЭ-7.0

125. Bhide, R.S. Analysis of Five-Legged Transformer Used for Parallel Operation of Rectifiers by Coupled Circuit-Field Approach/ R.S. Bhide, S.V. Kulkarni, P.B. Bhandarkar// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.607-616; ЭЭ-4.1.7

126. Numerical Analysis of Induced Corona Vibrations on High-Voltage Transmission Lines Affected by Rainfall/ M. Brahami [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.617-624; ЭЭ-7.0

127. Kamei, M. Influence of Sensor Information Accuracy on Condition-Based Maintenance Strategy for GIS/GCB Maintenance/ M. Kamei, O. Takai// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.625-631; ЭЭ- ЭЭ-7.0

128. Horton, R. Effect of Transfer Coefficients on MV and LV Flicker Levels/ R. Horton, T.A. TimHaskew// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.632-639; ЭЭ-4.1.4

129. Discussion on Useless Active and Reactive Powers Contained in the IEEE Standard 1459/ S. Orts-Grau [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.640-649; ЭЭ-4.1.4

130. Delghavi, M.B. Islanded-Mode Control of Electronically Coupled Distributed-Resource Units Under Unbalanced and Nonlinear Load Conditions/ M.B. Delghavi, A. Yazdani// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.661-673; ЭЭ-4.1.4

131. Measurement of VETO Based on the Transformer Bushing Sensor/ G.-M. Ma [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.684-692; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

132. Corona Onset Voltage of Bipolar Bundle Conductors of HVDC Transmission Line/ Z.-X. Li [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.692-702; ЭЭ-7.0

133. A Control Strategy for Islanded Microgrids With DC-Link Voltage Control/ T.L. Vandoorn [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.703-713; ЭЭ-4.1.4

134. Delfino, F. High-Frequency EHV/HV Autotransformer Model Identification From LEMP Test Data/ F. Delfino, R. Procopio, M. Rossi// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.714-724; ЭЭ-4.1.4

135. Kanabar, M.G. Performance of IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus and Corrective Measure for Digital Relaying/ M.G. Kanabar, T.S. Sidhu// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.725-735; ЭЭ-4.1.7

136. Spatiotemporal Load-Analysis Model for Electric Power Distribution Facilities Using Consumer Meter-Reading Data/ J.-H. Shin [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.736-743; ЭЭ-2.1.2

137. Kamwa, I. Adaptive Phasor and Frequency-Tracking Schemes for Wide-Area Protection and Control/ I. Kamwa, A.K. Pradhan, G.Joos // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.744-753; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-6.1

138. Ding, X. Blind Channel Estimation for HomePlug Power-Line Communications: A Feasibility?/ X. Ding, J. Meng, B.R. Petersen // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.754-763; ЭЭ-4.1.4

139. Ramirez, A. Partitioned-Time Transient Simulation via a Hybrid Time-Frequency Domain Methodology/ A. Ramirez, P.Moreno // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.764-771; ЭЭ-4.1.4

140. Inadequacies of the Industry-Standard IEEE C37.99-2000 Concerning Grounding Neutrals of Shunt Capacitors in High-Voltage Substations/ F.P. Dawalibli [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.782-789; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7

141. Abdollabi, A. Frequency Estimation: A Least-Squares New Approach/ A. Abdollabi, F. Matinfar // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.790-798; ЭЭ-4.1.4

142. Practical Power Quality Charts for Motor Starting Assessment/ X. Wang [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.799-808; ЭЭ-4.1.4

143. Yoon, S.-G. Adaptive Rate Control and Contention Window-Size Adjustment for Power-Line Communication/ S.-G. Yoon, S. Bahk // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.809-816; ЭЭ-4.1.7

144. Matar, M. Massively Parallel Implementation of AC Machine Models for FPGA-Based Real-Time Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients/ M. Matar, R. Iravani // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.830-840; ЭЭ-4.1.4

145. Probabilistic Multistage PMU Placement in Electric Power Systems/ F. Aminifar [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.841-849; ЭЭ-2.2.7; ЭЭ- 6.1

146. Yang, N.-C. Dual Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach to Fast Screening Process for Distributed-Generation Interconnections/ N.-C. Yang, T.-H. Chen // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-6.4

147. Liu, N. Asset Analysis of Risk Assessment for IEC 61850-Based Power Control Systems – Part I: Methodology/ N. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Wu // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.869-875; ЭЭ-4.1.7

148. Liu, N. Asset Analysis of Risk Assessment for IEC 61850-Based Power Control Systems – Part II: Application in Substation/ N. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Wu // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.876-881; ЭЭ-4.1.7

149. Tonello, A.M. Bottom-Up Statistical PLC Channel Modeling – Part I: Random Topology Model and Efficient Transfer Function Computation/ A.M. Tonello, F. Versolatto // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.891-898; ЭЭ-7.0

150. Kamh, M.Z. A Unified Three-Phase Power-Flow Analysis Model For Electronically Coupled Distributed Energy resources/ M. Z. Kamh, R.Iravani // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.899-909; ЭЭ-4.1.2

151. Alvehag, K. A Reliability Model for Distribution Systems Incorporating Seasonal Variations in Severe Weather/ K. Alvehag, L. Söder// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.910-919; ЭЭ-2.1.1; ЭЭ-3.2

152. The Peak Value Lightning-Induced Voltages in Overhead Lines Considering the Ground Resistivity and Typical Return Stroke Parameters/ J.O.S. Paulino [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.920-927; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

153. Dufour, C. A Combined State-Space Nodal Method for the Simulation of Power System Transients/ C. Dufour, J. Mahseredjian, J. Belanger // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-4.1.7

154. Exploring the IEEE C37.234 Guide for Protective Relay Application to Power System Buses/ B. Kasztenny [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.936-943; ЭЭ-4.1.7

155. Huang, C.-H. Chaos Synchronization-Based Detector for Power-Quality Disturbances Classification in a Power System/ C.-H. Huang, C.-H. Lin, C.-L. Kuo // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.944-953; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-6.4

156. Mestas, P. Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Reclosing Method for Shunt Reactor-Compensated Transmission Lines/ P. Mestas, M.C. Tavares, A.M. Gole // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

157. Chen, W.-H. Fault Section estimation for Power Networks Using Logic Cause-Effect Models/ W.-H. Chen, S.-H. Tsai, H.-I. Lin // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-6.1

158. Gouda, O.E. Effect of the Formation of the Dry Zone Around Underground Power Cables on Their Ratings/ O.E. Gouda, A.Z. El Dein, G. M. Amer // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.972-978; ЭЭ-7.0

159. Eriksson, R. Wide-Area Measurement System-Based Subspace Identification for Obtaining Linear Models to Centrally Coordinate Controllable Devices/ R. Eriksson, L. Söder // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.988-997; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-6.3

160. Franck, C.M. HVDC Circuit Breakers: A Review Identifying Future Research Needs/ C.M. Franck // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.998-1007; ЭЭ-7.0; ЭЭ-2.2.6

161. Transferring of VFTO From an EHV to MV System as Observed in Taiwan’s No.3 Nuclear Power Plant/ C.-H. Lee // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

162. Noda, T. A Robust and Efficient Iterative Scheme for the EMT Simulations of Nonlinear Circuits/ T. Noda, T. Kikuma // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-4.1.7

163. Influence of Ring Main Units and Substations on Online Partial-Discharge Detection and Location in Medium-Voltage Cable Networks/ P. Wagenaars [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.850-858; ЭЭ-2.2.6; ЭЭ-4.1.4

164. Synchronous Machine Modeling Precision and Efficiency in Electromagnetic Transients/ U. Karaagac [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1072-1082; ЭЭ-4.1.4

165. Computation Model of the Reradiation Interference Protecting Distance Between Radio Station and UHV Power Lines/ T. Bo [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1092-1100; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

166. Zhu, L. Standard Function Blocks for Flexible IED in IEC 61850-Based Substation Automation/ L. Zhu, D. Shi, X. Duan // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1101-1110; ЭЭ-4.1.7

167. Agah, S.M.M. Distribution Transformer Loss-of-Life Reduction by Increasing Penetration of Distributed Generation/ S.M.M. Agah, H.A. Abyaneh // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1128-1136; ЭЭ-7.0

168. Magnetic-Field Measurements Near Two-Pole-Type Distribution Substations/ A.N. Proios [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1137-1144; ЭЭ-4.1.4

169. Wang, X. Dynamic Non-Detection Zones of Positive Feedback Anti-Islanding Methods for Inverter-Based Distributed Generators/ X. Wang, W. Freitas, W. Xu // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1145-1155; ЭЭ-4.1.4

170. Rizk, F.A.M. Exposure of Overhead Conductors to Direct Lightning Strikes: Modeling of Positive Streamer Inhibition/ F.A.M. Rizk // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1156-1165; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

171. Rizk, F.A.M. Modeling of Trigger-Wire Corona Effects in Rocket-Triggered Lightning/ F.A.M. Rizk // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1166-1175; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-7.0

172. A New Method for Islanding Detection of Inverter-Based Distributed Generation Using DC-Link Voltage Control/ H. Vahedi [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1176-1186; ЭЭ-4.1.4; ЭЭ-4.1.7

173. A Study on Mode-Switching Control of TCSC Based on Conditional Firing of Thyristor/ K. Li [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1196-1202; ЭЭ-4.1.4

174. A Novel Load Transfer Scheme for Peak Load Management in Rural Areas/ M.T. Wishart [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1203-1211; ЭЭ-2.1.1; ЭЭ-2.2.6

175. Power Transformer Differential Protection Based on Clarke’s Transform and Fuzzy Systems/ D.Barbosa [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1212-1220; ЭЭ-4.1.7

176. Interfacing Issues in Real-Time Digital Simulators/ T. Noda [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1221-1230; ЭЭ-4.1.7

177. Impulse-Response Analysis of Toroidal Core Distribution Transformers for Dielectric Design/ P. Gomez [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1231-1238; ЭЭ-7.0

178. Modeling Guidelines and a Benchmark for Power System Simulation Studies of Three-Phase Single-Stage Photovoltaic Systems/ a. Yazdani [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1247-1264; ЭЭ-4.1.7

179. Schulze, R. Parameter Identification of Unsymmetrical Transmission Lines Using Fault Records Obtained From Protective Relays/ R. Schulze, P. Schegner, R. Živanovic // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1265-1272; ЭЭ-4.1.7

180. Weather Normalization of Reliability Indices/ V.J. Forte // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1272-1279; ЭЭ-3.1

181. Improving SVM-Based Nontechnical Loss Detection in Power Utility Using the Fuzzy Inference System/ J. Nagi [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1284-1285; ЭЭ-6.4

182. Improved Disturbance Detection Technique for Power-Quality Analysis/ C.A.G. Marques [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1266-1267; ЭЭ-4.1.4

183. Mori, A. Estimation of the Electric Field Generated by Power Lines With the Adaptive Integral method/ A. Mori, P. De Vita, A. Freni// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1296-1297; ЭЭ-4.1.4

184. Mardiana, R. Ground Fault Location on a Transmission Line Using High-Frequency Transient Voltages/ R. Mardiana, H. Al Motairy, C.Q. Su// IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. -2011. –V.26, N.2. –P.1298-1299; ЭЭ-4.1.4
