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Соколов А.Д., Такайшвили Л.Н. Оценка потенциальных возможностей добычи и использования энергетических углей месторождений регионов Восточной Сибири и Дальнего Востока // Энергетическая политика. №1. 2019. C.84-94.
Khamisov O.V., Posypkin M. Univariate global optimization with point-dependent Lipschitz constants // AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol.2070. ID: 20051. 2019. ISBN (print): 9780735417984. DOI: 10.1063/1.5090018
Voropai N.I., Chulyakova M.V. Transient Stability Problems of Electic Power Systems with Distributed Generation // 2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602504. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781538695357. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2018.8602504
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Loktionov V.I. Energy Resilience Assessment in the Period of Transition to Sustainable Energy // 2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602622. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781538695357. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2018.8602622
Study of the effect of natural factors on optimal capacity of renewable energy resources
Библиографическая ссылка
Оценка потенциальных возможностей добычи и использования энергетических углей месторождений регионов Восточной Сибири и Дальнего Востока
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Univariate global optimization with point-dependent Lipschitz constants
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Transient Stability Problems of Electic Power Systems with Distributed Generation
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The Charge and Discharge Integrated Management Mode of EVs with Financial Incentive Mechanism
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Impacts of earthquakes on energy security in the Eurasian economic union: Resilience of the electricity transmission networks in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan
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Piecewise linear bounding functions for univariate global optimization
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Geopolitical features of energy security in the Caspian regions of Russia and Azerbaijan
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Distinctive Features of Energy Demand Forecasting in the Non-Manufacturing Sector of the Economy
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Energy Resilience Assessment in the Period of Transition to Sustainable Energy
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