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Smarter Smart District Heating

Статья в журнале
Novitsky N.N., Shalaginova Z.I., Alekseev A.A., Tokarev V.V., Grebneva O.A., Lutsenko A.V., Vanteeva O.V., Mikhailovsky E.A., Pop R., Chertkov M., Vorobev, Petr E.
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Modeling of non-stationary temperature field in the neighborhood of the optical fiber end under laser pulse heating

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Levin A.A., Safarov A.S., Chudnovskii V.M., Chernov A.A.
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Solvability and bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear equations with fredholm operator

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Sidorov N., Sidorov D., Dreglea A.
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Approaches to the identification of critical facilities and critical combinations of facilities in the gas industry in terms of its operability

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Senderov S.M., Vorobev S.V.
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Coal industry of mongolia: Resources for advancement

Статья в журнале
Sokolov A.D., Takayshvili L.N., Batkhuyag S., Ochirbat P.
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Determination of the optimal structure of wind-solar power plants in the Mongolian part of the Gobi Desert [ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ОПТИМАЛЬНОЙ СТРУКТУРЫ ВЕТРОСОЛНЕЧНЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИЙ В МОНГОЛЬСКОЙ ЧАСТИ ПУСТЫНИ ГОБИ]

Статья в журнале
Marchenko O.V., Solomin S.V.
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Solar irradiance forecasting based on direct explainable neural network

Статья в журнале
Huaizhi Wang, Ren Cai, Bin Zhou, Saddam Aziz, Bin Qin, Voropai N.I., Lingxiao Gan, Barakhtenko E.A.
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Two-Stage Active and Reactive Power Coordinated Optimal Dispatch for Active Distribution Network Considering Load Flexibility

Статья в журнале
Y. Zhang, X. Song, Y. Li, Z. Zeng, C. Yong, D. Sidorov, X. Lv
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Electric Power System Transformations: A Review of Main Prospects and Challenges

Статья в журнале
Voropai N
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