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Clean coal technologies for electricity and synthetic liquid fuel production for distributed generation
Библиографическая ссылка
Error estimation of the homotopy perturbation method to solve second kind volterra integral equations with piecewise smooth kernels: Application of the cadna library
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Economic efficiency assessment of using wood waste in cogeneration plants with multi-stage gasification
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Identification of critical objects in reliance on cyber threats in the energy sector
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Feasibility Study of Using Geothermal Heat-Pump Units for Substituting Small-Capacity Coal-Fired Boiler Houses (Taking the Baikal Natural Area as an Example)
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Modeling the mass velocity and pressure drop of forced vapor-liquid flow through a granular bed
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Piecewise linear bounding functions in univariate global optimization
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Method of measuring void fraction in a channel with porous media
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Nonlinear systems of Volterra equations with piecewise smooth kernels: Numerical solution and application for power systems operation
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Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method
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