Edelev A.V., Zorkaltsev V.I. The combinatorial modelling of energy development options // Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109614. ISBN (print): 9781538607985. DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2017.8109614 Sheveleva G.I. Areas for the improvement in corporate governance in the Russian electric power industry // Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109686. ISBN (print): 9781538607985. DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2017.8109686 Senderov S. Critical facilities of Russian gas transport network: The ways of their determining and minimizing the consequences of the emergencies // Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109683. ISBN (print): 9781538607985. DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2017.8109683 Boyarkin D.., Krupenev D.S., Iakubovskiy D.., Sidorov D.N. Machine learning in electric power systems adequacy assessment using Monte-Carlo method // Proceedings - 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2017. ID: 8109871. P.201-205. ISBN (print): 9781538615966. DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON.2017.8109871 Aizenberg N., Perzhabinskii S. Optimization of adequacy of electric power systems in market conditions // Proceedings - 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2017. ID: 8109828. P.13-17. ISBN (print): 9781538615966. DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON.2017.8109828 Vorobev S., Edelev A. Analysis of the importance of critical objects of the gas industry with the method of determining critical elements in networks of technical infrastructures // Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109707. ISBN (print): 9781538607985. DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2017.8109707 Solodusha S.V., Orlova I.V. Numerical Solution of a Dynamic Measurement Problem by Volterra Polynomials // 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL URAL CONFERENCE ON MEASUREMENTS (URALCON). 2017. P.397-402. DOI: 10.1109/URALCON.2017.8120742" class="btn js_copy">Скопировать все

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The combinatorial modelling of energy development options

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Edelev A.V., Zorkaltsev V.I.
Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109614.
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Areas for the improvement in corporate governance in the Russian electric power industry

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Sheveleva G.I.
Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109686.
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Critical facilities of Russian gas transport network: The ways of their determining and minimizing the consequences of the emergencies

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Senderov S.
Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109683.
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Machine learning in electric power systems adequacy assessment using Monte-Carlo method

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Boyarkin D.., Krupenev D.S., Iakubovskiy D.., Sidorov D.N.
Proceedings - 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2017. ID: 8109871. P.201-205.
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Optimization of adequacy of electric power systems in market conditions

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Proceedings - 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2017. ID: 8109828. P.13-17.
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Analysis of the importance of critical objects of the gas industry with the method of determining critical elements in networks of technical infrastructures

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Numerical Solution of a Dynamic Measurement Problem by Volterra Polynomials

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