Edeleva O.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. Methods of redundant schemes and software for optimization of heat source structure // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 02003. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910202003
Galperova E.V. Long-Term Analysis of Energy Consumption by Household // Studies on Russian Economic Development. Vol.30. №2. 2019. P.146-153. DOI: 10.1134/S1075700719020060
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Penkovskii A., Stennikov V., Postnikov I. Unified heat supply organization: Mathematical modeling and calculation // Energy Procedia. Vol.158. 2019. P.3439-3444. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.930
Svishchev D.A., Kozlov A.N., Penzik M.V. Unstratified downdraft gasification: Conditions for pyrolysis zone existence // Energy Procedia. Vol.158. 2019. P.649-654. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.177
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Sodovyn B., Saneev B. The China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor and Mongolia's energy sector // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 01005. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197701005
Smirnov K. A methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of the projects on Russian power export to the North-East Asia countries // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 03004. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197703004
Methods of redundant schemes and software for optimization of heat source structure
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Long-Term Analysis of Energy Consumption by Household
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Prosumer in the district heating systems: Operating and reliability modeling
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Integrated energy supply schemes on basis of cogeneration plants and wind power plants
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Unified heat supply organization: Mathematical modeling and calculation
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Unstratified downdraft gasification: Conditions for pyrolysis zone existence
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An Algorithm for Determining Optimal and Suboptimal Trajectories of the Development of a System
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Advances in optimization theory and applications (Baikal 2017, ICCESEN 2016 and 2017)
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The China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor and Mongolia's energy sector
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A methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of the projects on Russian power export to the North-East Asia countries
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