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Khamisov O., Kolosnitsyn A. An optimization approach to finding roots of systems of nonlinear equations // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.537. No.4. ID: 042007. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/537/4/042007
Khamisov O. A global optimization approach to maximization of the probability function // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.537. No.4. ID: 042004. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/537/4/042004
Svishchev D.A., Kozlova M.A., Ralnikov P.A. A method of studying thermochemical conversion of single biomass particles in an intense air flow // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1261. No.1. ID: 012036. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1261/1/012036
Donskoy I.G., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A., Shamanskiy V.A. Numerical study of coal and woody biomass co-gasification in oxygen-fed gasifier // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1261. No.1. ID: 012008. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1261/1/012008
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Экологически чистая угольная ТЭС в концепции мультикомплекса с интеграцией в электроэнергетическую систему Монголии / Батмунх С., Саломатов В.В., Стенников В.А., Энхжаргал Х.под ред. чл.-корр. РАН В.А. Стенников. Новосибирск: Академическое изд-во «Гео», 2019. 203 с. ISBN (print): 978-5-6042857-1-8. ISBN (online): 978-5-6041446-5-7. DOI: 10.21782/В978-5-6041446-5-7
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A cooperative game in Asian international electric power integration
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An optimization approach to finding roots of systems of nonlinear equations
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A global optimization approach to maximization of the probability function
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A method of studying thermochemical conversion of single biomass particles in an intense air flow
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Numerical study of coal and woody biomass co-gasification in oxygen-fed gasifier
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Thermoanalytical study of drying kinetics of lignocellulosic fuels
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Экологически чистая угольная ТЭС в концепции мультикомплекса с интеграцией в электроэнергетическую систему Монголии
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Обеспечение экологически чистого энергоснабжения при развитии теплоэлектростанций региона
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Intelligent control and protection of power systems in the Russian cities
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Study of the measurements placement problem for planning of the optimal experiment
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