The goal of the Conference is to exchange the experience and integrate the research on formation of an interstate electric power grid (ISEPG) in the Northeast Asia (NEA) region. The Conference is a forum for the discussion and creation of an international team of likeminded people for a comprehensive study on the posed problems, development and application of methodology and tools intended for the enhancement of the scientific research effectiveness. Traditionally, energy cooperation in the region was carried out within the framework of bilateral intergovernmental commissions. The scope of the NEA ISEPG project goes far beyond the framework of bilateral relations. Consequently, a format for multilateral relations among the countries in the region is required. Therefore, within the framework of the Conference, it seems advisable to come to arrangements among the NEA countries on the main conditions for multilateral cooperation in research, justification and implementation of the ISEPG mega-project.


  • Country updates on current status and prospects of power systems in Northeast Asia Region;
  • Introduction of existing cross-border projects;
  • Rules and agreements on power trade and operation;
  • Barriers and problems.
  • Recent progress on planning and feasibility studies of NEA power interconnection;
  • International experience on regional power interconnection planning.
  • Intergovernmental arrangement and multi-stakeholder mechanism: International experiences; Possible forms of multilateral agreements on the promotion of the ISEPG in Northeast Asia.
  • Suggestions on road map and major points of signing intergovernmental agreement (IGA) in NEA region;
  • Terms of reference (TOR) of NEA Regional Power Interconnection and Cooperation Forum аs a permanent platform for the discussion and promotion of the ISEPG in the region;
  • Initiative of working group establishment.
  • National energy strategies towards effictive energy cooperation in NEA

Discussions on the main topics of presentations will be held at the end of the Conference.

Working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided at all the Sessions of the Conference.