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Альтернативные возможности использования электрокаров в Сибири

Кузнецова О.С., Ханаев В.В. Альтернативные возможности использования электрокаров в Сибири // Школа молодых ученых "Приоритеты научно-технологического развития энергетики России". Москва, ИНЭИ РАН Россия. 10 - 11 ноября 2021 г. 2021. Статья конференции

Теги: branch-and-bound method , global optimization , parallel computing , quadratic programming , np-hard , approximate solution , computational comparisons , convex approximation , minimization problems , nonconvex quadratic programs , objective functions , partition se
Algorithm for the interpretation of mass spectra in the study of thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic raw materials using complex combined thermal analysis

... analysis // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 06010. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911406010 This article proposes a method for processing data obtained using the TA-MS complex. To search for calibration coefficients, the method includes solving a quadratic programming problem. To test the method of searching for calibration coefficients, a simulation was done and the inverse problem was solved, and it was found out that the problem was ill-conditioned. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences....

Теги: calibration , cellulosic ethanol , data handling , mass spectrometry , quadratic programming , thermoanalysis , calibration coefficients , ill-conditioned , lignocellulosic raw materials , mass spectra , quadra
Search of Nash equilibrium in quadratic nonconvex game with weighted potential

... procedures for maximizing it over the set of admissible game profiles. The local search uses nonlinear support functions that are constructed through a d.c.-decomposition of the potential. The global search is based on reducing of a certain nonconvex quadratic programming problem to a mixed-integer linear programming problem. Copyright © by the paper's authors. нет

Теги: d.c decomposition , nash equilibrium , nonconvex optimization , weighted potential , computation theory , game theory , quadratic programming , d.c. decomposition , global search procedure , mixed integer linear programming problems , nash equilibria , nonconvex qua
Interior point and newton methods in solving high dimensional flow distribution problems for pipe networks

Khamisov O.O., Stennikov V.A. Interior point and newton methods in solving high dimensional flow distribution problems for pipe networks // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol.10556 LNCS. 2017. P.139-149. ISBN (print): 9783319694030. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69404-7_10 In this paper optimal flow distribution problem in pipe network is considered. The investigated problem is a convex sparse optimization...

Теги: convex optimization , interior point method , large-scale optimization , newton method , pipe network , sparse matrix , constraint theory , linear programming , newton-raphson method , optimization , quadratic programming , approximate solution , inequality constrain
