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Mathematical modeling of tar conversion on downdraft biomass gasification processes
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Indicative analysis of energy security at the regional level: methodology and practice exemplified by individual territories of Russia
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Techno-Economic Efficiency Estimation of Promising Integrated Oxyfuel Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plants with Carbon Capture
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The Effect of Dam Construction on the Uldza River in Mongolia on the Hydrological Regime of the Torey Lakes
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The Problem of Boundary Control of the Thermal Process in a Rod
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Dissociation of methane from a layer of methane-hydrate particles: A new simple model
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Preface to “Model Predictive Control and Optimization for Cyber-Physical Systems”
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On a System of Linear Volterra Integral Equations with Variable Integration Limits
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Eastern polygon of Russian railways for Russian coal export: development prospects and limitations; [Восточный полигон железных дорог России для экспорта российского угля: перспективы развития и ограничения]
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Optimization of the optimal value function in problems of convex parametric programming; [ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ФУНКЦИИ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО ЗНАЧЕНИЯ В ЗАДАЧАХ ВЫПУКЛОГО ПАРАМЕТРИЧЕСКОГО ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ1]
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