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Energy Consumption in the Transport Sector: Trends and Forecast Estimates

Статья конференции
Mazurova O., Galperova E.
2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602478.
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New Generation Algorithms for Determining of Optimal Parameters of Heating Systems

Статья конференции
Stennikov V., Barakhtenko E., Sokolov D.
2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602571.
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A Methodological Approach to the Software Development for Heating System Design

Статья конференции
Stennikov V., Barakhtenko E., Sokolov D.
2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602533.
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Orlando tools: Energy research application development through convergence of grid and cloud computing

Статья конференции
Feoktistov A., Gorsky S., Sidorov I., Kostromin R., Edelev A., Massel L.
Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol.965. P.289-300.
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Characteristics of nucleate boiling under conditions of pulsed heat release at the heater surface

Статья в журнале
Levin A., Khan P.
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol.149. P.1215-1222.
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Multi-criteria Decision Making Problems in Hierarchical Technology of Electric Power System Expansion Planning

Статья конференции
Voropai N.I.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol.866. P.362-368.
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Thermal Transients in District Heating Systems

Статья в журнале
Chertkov M., Novitsky N.N.
Energy 2019
Energy. Vol.184. P.22-23.
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A plant for methanol and electricity production: Technical-economic analysis

Статья в журнале
Kler A.M., Tyurina E.A., Mednikov A.S.
Energy 2018
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Process Simulation of the Co-Gasification of Wood and Polymeric Materials in a Fixed Bed

Статья в журнале
Donskoi I.G.
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Self-oscillatory regime of boiling of a highly subcooled liquid in a flow-passage annular duct

Статья в журнале
Aktershev S.P., Levin A.A., Mesentsev I.V., Mesentseva N.N.
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