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Reciprocal Import Tariffs in the Monopolistic Competition Open Economy
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Methods for Analyzing and Increasing Cyber Resilience of Smart Energy System Facilities
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Глава 3.1. Системные исследования в энергетике. Устойчивое развитие. Энергетический переход
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Key Defining Features of the Electric Power Industry in Asian Regions of Russia in Light of Decarbonization Efforts
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Experimental study on fixed-bed combustion and agglomeration of sawdust–polyethylene mixtures
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Assessment of Indicators of Solar and Wind Energy Potential of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
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Development of empirical solar radiation models with genetic algorithm and extended validation procedure
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Methods for the reliability optimization of district-distributed heating systems with prosumers
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Application of energy performance contracts for rural remote areas electrification
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Dissociation characteristics and anthropogenic emissions from the combustion of double gas hydrates
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