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Organization of Virtual Inertia Control of a Wind Power Plant Operating in the Network with a Predominant Content of Renewable Energy Sources
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Multi-energy Cooperative Scheduling of Building Microgrid Group Considering AA-CAES Seasonal Efficiency Optimization
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An Approach to Implementing High-Performance Computing for Problem Solving in Workflow-Based Energy Infrastructure Resilience Studies
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An Approach to Implementing High-Performance Computing for Problem Solving in Workflow-Based Energy Infrastructure Resilience Studies
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Предметно-ориентированная среда для исследования живучести энергетических инфраструктур
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Dynamics of energy security level changes on the example of the Siberian and Southern Federal Districts
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Using normalized values of indicators to determine the level of energy security on the example of the Central and Southern federal districts
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Methodological approach to assessing the protection of energy objects from the implementation of various negative impacts
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On a class of the first kind Volterra equations in a problem of identification of a linear nonstationary dynamic system
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