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Multi-microgrid Energy Management Systems: Architecture, Communication, and Scheduling Strategies
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Influence of the composition of solid fuel on the equilibrium characteristics of a gasification process in the mixtures of oxygen and carbon dioxide
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Peer-to-Peer Multienergy and Communication Resource Trading for Interconnected Microgrids Microgrids
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The Stability of the Water Management System in the Angara River Basin in Different Water Level Conditions
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Structural optimization of autonomous photovoltaic systems with storage battery replacements
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A model for power shortage minimization in electric power systems given constraints on controlled sections
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On minimization of a quadratic function with one negative eigenvalue
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A DSC signal for studying kinetics of moisture evaporation from lignocellulosic fuels
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Intensification of Non-Stationary Nucleate Boiling at Increasing Flow Velocity
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Modeling and utilization of biomass-to-syngas for industrial multi-energy systems
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