Rehtanz Ch., Haeger U., Voropai N.I. et al. Intelligent coordination of operation and emergency control of EU and Russian power grids // Proc. of 5-th Int. Conf. “Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems”, Irkutsk, Russia, 2012. Иркутск Russia. 06-10 August 2012. P.6-18.
Voropai N.I., Svezhentseva O.V. Optimization of supply source allocation in the problem of rational configuration of electricity supply system // Proc. of IEEE ISGT Europe Int. Conf., Berlin, Germany, 2012. Germany. 14-17 October 2012. 7 p.
Voropai N.I., Krol A.M., Bui Dinh Thanh Power system restoration plans for transmission and distribution networks // Proc. of 8th IFAC Symp. “Power Plant and Power System Control”, Toulouse, France, 2012. France. 02-05 September 2012. 5 p.
Rabe S., Komarniski P., Styczyski Z. et al. Automated Test Procedures for Accuracy Verification of Phasor Measurements Units // Proc. of 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 2012. USA. 22-27 July 2012. 8 p.
Häger U., Rehtanz Ch., Voropai N.I. ICOEUR Project Results on Improving Observability and Flexibility of Large Scale Transmission System // Proc. of 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 2012. USA. 22-27 July 2012. 8 p.
Voropai N.I., Suslov K., Sokolnikova T. et al. Development of Power Supply to Isolated Territories in Russia on the Base of Microgrid Concept // Proc. of 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 2012. USA. 22-27 July 2012. 6 p.
Воропай Н.И., Стенников В.А. Инновационные принципы и направления развития электроэнергетики России на интеллектуальной основе // Тр. 6-й Межд. конф. «Управление развитием крупномасштабных систем» (MLSD’2012). Т.1., Москва, 2012. Москва Россия. 01-03 октября 2012. C.46-50.
Drachev P.S., Trufanov V.V. Market-based transmission expansion planning // Energy and Power Engineering. Vol.4. 2012. P.387-391.
Gamm A.Z., Kovernikova L.I. Estimation of nonsinusoidal operating conditions in electric networks on the basis of measurements // Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal. Vol.4. No.6. 2012. P.3051-3058.
Kurbatsky V.G., Tomin N.V. Application of the data mining methodology for short-term forecasting of power systems operating conditions // Intern. J. of Wireless Information Networks & Business Information System. Vol.3. No.5/6. 2012. 10 p.
Intelligent coordination of operation and emergency control of EU and Russian power grids
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Optimization of supply source allocation in the problem of rational configuration of electricity supply system
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Power system restoration plans for transmission and distribution networks
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Automated Test Procedures for Accuracy Verification of Phasor Measurements Units
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ICOEUR Project Results on Improving Observability and Flexibility of Large Scale Transmission System
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Development of Power Supply to Isolated Territories in Russia on the Base of Microgrid Concept
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Инновационные принципы и направления развития электроэнергетики России на интеллектуальной основе
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Market-based transmission expansion planning
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Estimation of nonsinusoidal operating conditions in electric networks on the basis of measurements
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Application of the data mining methodology for short-term forecasting of power systems operating conditions
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