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Multi-criteria design of multi-energy system for remote area using NSGA-III and fuzzy TOPSIS
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Analysis of Resonance Modes at Harmonic Frequencies in High-Voltage Networks
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Feasible capacity of renewable energy sources in the Irkutsk region
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The Coal Industry of the Irkutsk Region Today: Development Trends, Outstanding Issues, and Threats
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Доминирующее положение поставщика на оптовом рынке электроэнергии и мощности: особенности регулирования
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G factor of the ESG agenda in the context of sustainable development of Russian electric power companies
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Measurement of the nucleation density during non-stationary boiling of water
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Correction of the sample temperature in the thermal analysis chamber for studying the kinetics of carbon oxidation
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Reproduction of the mineral resource base of the energy sector as the most important component of ensuring Russia's energy security
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Features of heat transfer and phase-change on a pinned surface at pulse heat release
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