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Воропай Н.И. НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ ЭЛЕКТРОЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ // Электричество. №7. 2020. DOI: 10.24160/0013-5380-2020-7-12-2
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Optimization of Capacities of Wind and Solar Power Plants in the Interstate Power Grid in North-East Asia Taking into Account the Intermittence of Their Power Output
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On the Occasion of the 80th Birthday of Professor N. A. Sidorov
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Status of Electric Sector Reform in Russia and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis of Liberalization Policy Implementation
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An Improved Two-Stage Optimization Procedure for Optimal Power Flow Calculation
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Prospects for the development of Mongolia’s Coal export
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Assessing and factoring in investment barriers for making long-term projections of the energy sector
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Issues of Cybersecurity in Electric Power Systems
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Some Generalizations of an Analysis of 2016-2017 Blackouts in the Unified Power System of Russia
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A formation of the heat pump mathematical models
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