Saneev B.G. Energy Sector of Eastern Russia: Current State and Prospects // Regional Research of Russia. Vol.4. No.2. 2014. P.115-120. DOI: 10.1134/S2079970514020117 Monitoring, Control and Protection of Interconnected Power Systems /  Hager Ulf,  Rehtanz Christian, Voropai N.I. New York: Springer, 2014.  391 p. ISBN 978-3-642-53847-6. Marchenko O.V., Solomin S.V. Economic Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources in Autonomous Energy Systems in Russia // International Journal of Renewable Energy Research. Vol.4. No.3. 2014. P.548-554. Novitskii N.N., Vanteeva O.V. Modeling of stochastic hydraulic conditions of pipeline systems // Chaotic Modeling and Simulation. No.1. 2014. P.95-108. DOI: 10.4018/ijeoe.2014100101. Golub I.I., Voitov O.N., Boloev E.V. Feasibility of operating conditions and the location of sensor variables in the electric power system // Reliability: Theory & Applications. Vol.9. No.2(33). 2014. P.50-61. Pavlenko A.N., Tairov E.A.,  Zhukov V.E., Levin A.A., Moiseev M.I. Dynamics of transient processes at liquid boiling-up in the conditions of free convection and forced flow in a channel under nonstationary heat release // Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. Vol.23. No.3. 2014. P.173-193. DOI: 10.1134/S1810232814030023" class="btn js_copy">Скопировать все

Integral Dynamical Models: Singularities, Signals and Control

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ИСЭМ СО РАН. Краткий отчет о научной и научно-организационной деятельности за 2014 год

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Интерфейсный инструментарий компьютерной реализации задачи оптимизации структуры системообразующей электрической сети

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Попова О.М.
Сб. науч.тр. междун. конф. "Управление развитием крупномасштабных систем (MLSD'2014)": М., Институт проблем управления им. В.А. Трапезникова РАН, 2015. Россия. 03-05 октября 2016. C.370-372.
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An A-CAES pilot installation in the distribution system: A technical study for RES integration

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P. Lombardi, Chris. Rohrig, Kr. Rudion, R. Marquardt, M. Muller-Mienack, A.S. Estermann, Zb.A. Styczynski, Voropai N.I.
Energy Science & Engineering. Vol.2. No.3. P.116-127." class="news-item__copy js_copy">Библиографическая ссылка

Energy Sector of Eastern Russia: Current State and Prospects

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Saneev B.G.
Regional Research of Russia. Vol.4. No.2. P.115-120." class="news-item__copy js_copy">Библиографическая ссылка

Monitoring, Control and Protection of Interconnected Power Systems

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Economic Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources in Autonomous Energy Systems in Russia

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Marchenko O.V., Solomin S.V.
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research. Vol.4. No.3. P.548-554." class="news-item__copy js_copy">Библиографическая ссылка

Modeling of stochastic hydraulic conditions of pipeline systems

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Novitskii N.N., Vanteeva O.V.
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Feasibility of operating conditions and the location of sensor variables in the electric power system

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Golub I.I., Voitov O.N., Boloev E.V.
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Dynamics of transient processes at liquid boiling-up in the conditions of free convection and forced flow in a channel under nonstationary heat release

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Pavlenko A.N., Tairov E.A., Zhukov V.E., Levin A.A., Moiseev M.I.
Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. Vol.23. No.3. P.173-193." class="news-item__copy js_copy">Библиографическая ссылка