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Towards the flexible distribution networks design using the reliability performance metric

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Ilyushin P., Sidorov D.N., Shushpanov I., Suslov K.
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Dissociation and combustion of a layer of methane hydrate powder: Ways to increase the efficiency of combustion and degassing

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Misyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G.
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Installed capacity optimization of autonomous photovoltaic systems under energy service contracting

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Karamov D.N., Minarchenko I.M., Kolosnitsyn A.V., Pavlov N.V.
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Co-modeling of methane hydrate dissociation and combustion in a boundary layer

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Misyura S.Y., Donskoi I.G.
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Dissociation of gas hydrate for a single particle and for a thick layer of particles: The effect of self-preservation on the dissociation kinetics of the gas hydrate layer

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Donskoi I.G., Misyura S.Y.
Fuel 2021
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Management of voltage flexibility from inverter-based distributed generation using multi-agent reinforcement learning

Статья в журнале
Voropai N., Rehtanz C., Kurbatsky V., Tomin N.
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Thermogravimetric Study of the Kinetics of the Reaction C + CO2 under Pore-Diffusion Control

Статья в журнале
Donskoi I.G., Kozlov A.N.
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Design and optimal energy management of community microgrids with flexible renewable energy sources

Статья в журнале
Tomin N.V., Shakirov V.A., Kozlov A.N., Sidorov D.N., Kurbatsky V.G., Rehtanz Ch., Lora Electo E.S.
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The evolution of interstate power grid formation

Статья в журнале
Voropai N., Podkovalnikov S., Chudinova L.
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