Гребнева О.А., Новицкий Н.Н. Задача мониторинга режимов работы тепловых сетей: исследование и формализация // Автоматизация и информатизация ТЭК. 2024.
Ivanova I.Y., Saneev B.G., Gubiy E.V., Maysyuk E.P., Tuguzova T.F. Specific features of the decarbonization measures in the energy sector in off-grid remote territories of Russia’s eastern regions // 2024.
Osak A.B., Buzina E.I. Approaches to solving the problems of development of Irkutsk power system and improving the reliability of consumers power supply // 2024.
Domyshev A.V. Multi-agent optimization in solving the problem of optimal power system control and reliability assessment // E3S Web of Conferences. 2024.
Osak A.B., Buzina E.I. Intelligent control system to increase the flexibility of power systems – the direction of development and a way to solve problems in the Irkutsk power system // 2024.
Kovalchuk D.V., Glazunova A.M. Design of day-ahead load profile to improve the efficiency of commercial and industrial microgrids // E3S Web of Conferences. 2024.
Kolosok I.N., Korkina E.S. A method for synthesizing and analyzing fault trees to improve the survivability of a demand response aggregator // E3S Web of Conferences. 2024.
Podkovalnikov S.V., Batmunkh S., Bat-Erdene B. Research into Prospects for the Expansion of Mongolia’s Electric Power Industry under Current Conditions // Geography and Natural Resources. 2024.
Бат-Эрдэнэ Б., Батмунх С., Подковальников С.В. Развитие энергетического сектора Монголии: обзор и анализ проблем // Энергетик. 2024.
Коверникова Л.И., Буй Х.Н. Дополнительные потери активной мощности при несинусоидальном режиме в воздушной линии электропередачи // 2024.
Задача мониторинга режимов работы тепловых сетей: исследование и формализация
Библиографическая ссылка
Specific features of the decarbonization measures in the energy sector in off-grid remote territories of Russia’s eastern regions
Библиографическая ссылка
Approaches to solving the problems of development of Irkutsk power system and improving the reliability of consumers power supply
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Multi-agent optimization in solving the problem of optimal power system control and reliability assessment
Библиографическая ссылка
Intelligent control system to increase the flexibility of power systems – the direction of development and a way to solve problems in the Irkutsk power system
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Design of day-ahead load profile to improve the efficiency of commercial and industrial microgrids
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A method for synthesizing and analyzing fault trees to improve the survivability of a demand response aggregator
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Research into Prospects for the Expansion of Mongolia’s Electric Power Industry under Current Conditions
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Развитие энергетического сектора Монголии: обзор и анализ проблем
Библиографическая ссылка
Дополнительные потери активной мощности при несинусоидальном режиме в воздушной линии электропередачи
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