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Sidler I., Novitsky N., Grazhdantseva E. Alternative methods for solving a hyperbolic system of equations in a simplified water hammer problem // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.397. ID:01006. 2023. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202339701006
Novitsky N. Actual directions of digitalization of pipeline systems and methods of analysis of their properties as cyber-physical objects // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.397. ID:03001. 2023. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202339703001
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Applying Cyber-Physical Management to the Structure of the Demand Response Aggregator
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Alternative methods for solving a hyperbolic system of equations in a simplified water hammer problem
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Actual directions of digitalization of pipeline systems and methods of analysis of their properties as cyber-physical objects
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Impact of Integrated Renewable Energy Sources with Variable Power Output in Terms of Constrained Voltage Stability Limit
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Bi-level Coordinated Day-ahead Optimal Dispatch of Regional Integrated Energy System Considering the Integrations of Electric Vehicles
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A Methodology for Performance and Reliability Analysis of Prosumers’ Local Heat Sources in District Heating System
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An Approach to Determining Techno-Economic Characteristics of Aggregated Gas Systems
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О задаче граничного управления распределенной неоднородной колебательной системой с заданными промежуточными условиями
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Непараметрическая идентификация линейной нестационарной динамической системы при кусочно-линейном входном сигнале
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Application experience of the theory hydraulic circuits methods and modern technologies for organizing operating conditions of Mongolian district heating systems
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