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Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers
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Formation of a List of Critical Facilities in the Gas Transportation System of Russia in Terms of Energy Security
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Optimization of the Effective Heat Supply Radius for the District Heating Systems
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Development Features of Heat Power Industry Legislation in Russia
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Hybrid intelligent technique for voltage/VAR control in power systems
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Block Difference Schemes of High Order for Stiff Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations
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Ways to improve the efficiency of carbon dioxide utilization and gas hydrate storage at low temperatures
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Air Pollution Forecasting Using a Deep Learning Model Based on 1D Convnets and Bidirectional GRU
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Integration of the storage battery categorization process into the task of optimizing the equipment of stand7alone energy systems with renewable energy sources [ИНТЕГРAЦИЯ ПРОЦЕCCA КAТЕГОРИЗAЦИИ ЭЛЕКРОХИМИЧЕCКИХ НAКОПИТЕЛЕЙ ЭНЕРГИИ В ЗAДAЧУ ОПТИМИЗAЦИИ CО
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Optimization studies of combined cycle plant with coal gasification and high temperature heated combustion air
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