Additional Power Losses Under Non-Sinusoidal Conditions in a 22 kV Overhead Power Line

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Dissociation of Gas Hydrates in the Combustion Environment

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Design of daily load profiles in commercial and industrial microgrids based on renewable energy sources

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Wide area damping of electromechanical oscillations based on implicit reference model adaptive control

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Resilience of socio-ecological and energy systems: Intelligent information technologies for risk assessment of natural and technogenic threats

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Cyber-Physical Microgrid: Development Trends, Digitalization Directions, Management Features

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Interaction of Prosumers Cooperating in an Integrated Energy System

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Methods and algorithms for creating relief models of hydrological modelling for assessing the impact of water level fluctuations on coastal objects and territories; [Методы и алгоритмы создания моделей рельефа и гидрологического моделирования для оценки в

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