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Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components
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Control of accuracy of taylor-collocation method to solve the weakly regular volterra integral equations of the first kind by using the cestac method
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The Effect of the Carbon Tax Value on the Optimal Parameters and Characteristics of Coal Power Plants
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The Concept of Constructing an Artificial Dispatcher Intelligent System Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Automatic Control System of Electric Networks
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Subcooled water boiling on a microheater under conditions of pulsed heat release
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Methodological Approach to the Integrated Optimization of the Heat-Source Structure in the Problems of Developing Heat-Supply Systems
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Day-ahead Optimization Schedule for Gas-electric Integrated Energy System Based on Second-order Cone Programming
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Spectral and Modal Methods for Studying Stability and Control of Electric Power Systems
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Choice of fuel for heat power plants in areas of new development taking into account the uncertainty factor [ВЫБОР ТОПЛИВА ДЛЯ ТЕПЛОВЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИЙ В РАЙОНАХ НОВОГО ОСВОЕНИЯ С УЧЕТОМ ФАКТОРА НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ]
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Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy
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