Efimov D.N. Some developments, prospective ways and projects of smsrt grid tecnologies in Russia- an overview // Proc. of IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2011. Manchester UK. 05-07 December 2011. 6 p.
Morzhin Yu.I., Shakarjan Yu.G., Kucherov, Yu.N. et al. Smart grid concept for unified national electrical network of Russia // Proc. of IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2011. Manchester UK. 05-07 December 2011. 6 p.
Voropai N.I., Efimov D.N., Vassiliev S.N. et al. Intelligent operation and emergency control technologies in Russia // Proc. of IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2011. Manchester UK. 05-07 December 2011. 6 p.
Gaglioti E., Iaria A., Voropai N.I. et al. Inter-area osullations in the CE/Turkey and IPS/UPS power systems // Proc. of CIGRE Symp.”Elec.Power Syst.for the Future-Integrating Supergrids and Microgrids”, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 13-15, 2011,. Italy. 13-15 September 2011. 7 p.
Voropai N.I., Suslov K.V. The microgrid concept and challenges in small isolated regions of Russia // Proc. of CIGRE Symp.”Elec.Power Syst.for the Future-Integrating Supergrids and Microgrids”, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 13-15, 2011,. Italy. 13-15 September 2011. 5 p.
Voropai N.I. Infrastructural energy systems development on the Eurasian continent: Technological and corporative aspects // Proc. of the Int. Autumn CRIS Workshop. Hanoi Vietnam. 16 November 2011. P.26-32.
Voropai N.I., Efimov D.N., Etingov P.V. et al. Smart emergency control in electic power system // Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, Aug. 28 - Sep. 02, 2011. P.1658-1664.
Voropai N.I., Panasetsky D.A., Osak A.B. Distributed load shedding algorithm for the control of active power flows // Proc. of 3rd International Conference "Actual Trends in Development of Power System Protection and Automation". Saint Petersburg Russia. 30 May-03 June 2011. 6 p.
Voropai N.I., Rehtanz Ch. Coordination of operation and emergency control of joint power grids // Proc. of 3rd International Conference "Actual Trends in Development of Power System Protection and Automation". Saint Petersburg Russia. 30 May-03 June 2011. 5 p.
Voropai N.I., Efimov D.N., Etingov P.V. et al. Emergency Control in Electric Power Systems Based on Smart Grid Concept // Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 25-28.05.2011, Wuhan. 2011. 6 p.
Some developments, prospective ways and projects of smsrt grid tecnologies in Russia- an overview
Библиографическая ссылка
Smart grid concept for unified national electrical network of Russia
Библиографическая ссылка
Intelligent operation and emergency control technologies in Russia
Библиографическая ссылка
Inter-area osullations in the CE/Turkey and IPS/UPS power systems
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The microgrid concept and challenges in small isolated regions of Russia
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Infrastructural energy systems development on the Eurasian continent: Technological and corporative aspects
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Smart emergency control in electic power system
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Distributed load shedding algorithm for the control of active power flows
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Coordination of operation and emergency control of joint power grids
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Emergency Control in Electric Power Systems Based on Smart Grid Concept
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