Principles of Nuclear District Heating. [PRINTSIPY ATOMNOI TEPLOFIKATSII.]

Статья в журнале
Melent'ev L.A.
Teploenergetika. No.11. P.6-9.
It is argued that nuclear power plants have to be used not only to produce electric power but also for industrial and district heating purposes. It is suggested that, in the long term, about 50% of the capacities of nuclear reactors in the USSR should be used for electric power production and 50% for heating purposes. The most efficient type of nuclear power plants is considered to be a mixed condensing-and-district heating type. Selection of district heating turbines, of optimal thermal diagrams of technological steam and hot water piping systems, of construction sites, and reactor design problems are discussed.

Библиографическая ссылка

Melent'ev L.A. Principles of Nuclear District Heating. [PRINTSIPY ATOMNOI TEPLOFIKATSII.] // Teploenergetika. No.11. 1976. P.6-9.